Lingua Ignota in Dee


16th century

British Library Sloane 3191 f. 1a-12b

The angelic conferences of John Dee and Edward Kelly. The final version written out by Dee. It appears from the manuscript that Dee first wrote out the Enochian keys on alternate lines of each sheet, phrase by phrase, then added the English translation as an interlinear gloss above the Enochian, and finally inserted revisions into the remaining space and the margins. the scans at: here

Enochian keys, Angelic, Dee’s preliminary version

Ol    sonf    vorsg ,   goho    Iad    balt .   lonsh
calz    vonpho ,   Sobra    z-ol    rori    ta    
Nazpsad    Graa    ta    Malprg    Ds    holq    
Qaa    nothoa    Zimz    Od    commah    
ta    nobloh    zien :   Soba    thil    gnonp    
prge    aldi    Ds    vrbs    oboleh    grsam :   
Casarm    ohorela    caba    pir    Ds    zonrensg    
cab    erm    Jadnah :   Pilah    farzm    
znrza    adna    gono    Iadpil    Ds    
hom    toh /   Soba    Jpam    lu    
Jpamis /   Ds    loholo    vep    zomd    
Poamal    od    bogpa    aai    ta    piap    
piamol    od    vooan    SACARe    ca    
od    ZAMRAN    odo    cicle    qaa /   
zorge ,   Lap    zirdo    Noco    MAD    
Hoath    Jaida .   

Adgt    vpaah    zongom    faaip    sald    
viiv    L    Sobam    Jalprg    Jzazaz    
piadph    Casarma    abaramg    ta    talho    
paracleda    Qta    lorslq    turbs    
ooge    Baltoh /   Giui    chis    Lurd    
orri /   Od    micalp    chis    bia    ozongon    
Lap    noan    trof    cors    tage ,   oq    manin    
Jaidon    Torzu    gohel    ZACAR    ca    
C-noqod ,   ZAMRAN    micalzo /   od    
ozazm    vrelp    Lap    zir    Ioiad .   

Micma    goho    Piad    zir    Comselh    azien    
biab    Os    Londoh    Norz    chis    othil    
Gigipah    vndL    chis    tapuim    Qmospleh    
teloch    Quiin    toltorg    chis    i    chis    ge    
em    ozien    dst    brgda    od    torzul    
ili    Eol    balzarg    od    aala    Thiln    os    
netaab    dluga    vomsarg    lonsa    
capmiali    vors    cla    homil    cocasb    
fafen    izizop    od    miinoag    de    
guetaab    vaun    nanaeel    panpir    
Malpirgi    caosg    Pild    noan    vnalah    
balt    od    vooan    dooiap    MAD    
Goholor    gohus    amiran /   Micma ,   Iehusoz    
cacacom    oddooain    noar    micaolz    
aaiom /   Casar    g    gohia    ZACAR    
vniglag    od    Jmuamar    pugo    
plapli    ananael    Qaan .   

Othil    lasdi    babage    od    dorpha    Gohol    Gchisge    
auauago    cormp    pd    dsonf    vivdiv    
Casarmi    oali    Mapm    Sobam    ag    cormpo    
crpl    Casarmg    croodzi    chis    odvgeg    
dst    capimali    chis    Capimaon    od    lonshin    
chis    taLo    Cla    Torgu    Norquasahi    od    
Fcaosga    Bagle    zirenaiad    Dsi    od    Apila    
Dooaip    Qaal    ZACAR    od    ZAMRAN    
Obelisong    restel    aaf    Normolap

Sapah    zimii    duib    od    noas    taquanis    adroch    dorphal    
caosg    od    faonts    peripsol    tablior    Casarm    amipzi    
nazarth    af    od    dlugar    zizop    zlida    caosgi    toltorgi    
od    zchis    esiasch    L    taviu    od    iaod    thild    
ds    hubar    Peoal    soba    cormfa    chis    ta    la    vls    
od    Qcocasb    Ca    niis    od    Darbs    qaas    Fetharzi    
od    bliora    iaial    ednas    cicles    Bagle    Geiad    
i    L

Gah    sdiu    chis    em    micalzo    pilzin    sobam    
El    harg    mir    babalon    od    obloc    samvelg    
dlugar    malprg    arcaosgi    od    Acam
canal    sobolzur    tbliard    caosgi
odchis    anetab    od    miam    taviv    
odd    Darsar    solpeth    bien    Brita    
od    zacam    gmicalzo    sobhaath    trian    
Luiahe    odecrin    MAD    qaaon

Raas    isalman    paradizod    oecrimi    aao    
ialpirgah    quiin    enay    butmon .   od    inoas    
ni    paradial    Casarmg    vgear    chirlan    
od    zonac    Lucifitan    corsta    vaulzirn    
tolhami    Soba    londoh    odmiam    chistad    odes    
vmadea    od    pibliar    Othilrit    odmiam    
Cnoquol    Rit    ZACAR ,   ZAMRAN    oecrimi    
qadah    od    omicaolz    aaiom    Bagle    
papnor    idlugam    lonshi    od    vmplif    
vgegi    Bigliad

Bazmelo    ita    piripson    oln    Nazavabh    
ox    casarmg    vran    chis    vgeg    dsabramg    
baltoha    gohoiad    Solamian    trian    
taLolcis    Abaiuonin    od    aziagier    
rior    Irgilchisda    dspaaox    bufd    
Caosgo    dschis    odipuran    teloah    cacrg    
oisalman    Loncho    od    Vouina    carbaf    
Niiso    Bagle    auauago    gohon    Niiso    
bagle    momao    siaion    od    mabza    
iadoiasmomar |   poilp    Niis    
ZAMRAN    ciaofi    caosgo    od    
bliors    od    corsi    ta    abramig

Micaoli    bransg    prgel    napta    ialpor    
dsbrin    efafafe    P    vonpho    olani    od    
obza    Sobca    vpaah    chis    tatan    od    
tranan    balye    alar    lusda    soboln    
od    chisholq    Cnoquodi    cial    
vnal    aldon    mom    caosgo    ta    
Lasollor    gnay    limlal    Amma    chiis    
Sobca    madrid    zchis    ooanoan    chis    auiny    
drilpi    caosgin    od    butmoni    parm    
zumvi    Cnila    Dazis    ethamz    
achildao    od    mirc    ozol    chis    pidiai    
collal ,   Vlcinin    asobam    vcim    
Bagle    Iadbaltoh    chirlan    par    
Niiso    od    ip    ofafafe    Bagle    
acocasb    icorsca    vnig    blior

Coraxo    chis    cormp    od    
blans    Lucal    aziazor    paeb    Soba
Lilonon    chis    virq    op    eophan    od    
raclir    maasi    bagle    caosgi    ds    ialpon    
dosig    od    basgim    od    oxex    dazis    siatris    
od    salbrox    cynxir    faboan    Vnalchis    
const    ds    daox    cocasg    ol    
oanio    yor    vohim    ol    
gizyax    od    eors    cocasg    
plosi    molui    ds    pageip    larag    
om    droln    ematorb    cocasb    
emna    Lpatralx    yolci    matb    
nomig    monons    olora    gnay    angelard    
Ohio    ohio    ohio    ohio    ohio    ohio    
noib    Ohio    Caosgon    Bagle    madrid    
i    zirop    chiso    drilpa    Niiso
Crip    ip    nidali

Oxiayal    holdo    od    zirom    O    coraxo    
ds    zildar    raasy    od    vabzir    camliax    
od    bahal    Niiso    +    salman    
teloch    Casarman    
holq    od    ti    ta    zchis    soba    
cormf    iga    Niisa    Bagle    abramg    
Noncp    ZACARe    caod    ZAMRAN    
odo    cicleqaa    Zorge    Lap    zirdo    
Noco    Mad    Hoath    Iaida

Nonci    dsonf    Babage    od    chis    ob    
hubaio    tibibp    allar    atraah    od    ef    
drix    fafen    Mian    ar    Enay    
ovof    Soba    dooain    aai    iVONPH    
ZACAR    gohus    od    ZAMRAN ,   odo    cicle    Qaa ,   
Zorge ,   Lap    zirdo    NOCO    MAD ,   Hoath    Iaida .   

Napeai    Babagen    dsbrin    vx    ooaona    
Lring    vonph    doalim    eolis    ollog    
orsba    dschis    affa    Micma    isro    
MAD    od    Lonshitox    ds    ivmd    
aai    GROSB :   ZACAR    od    ZAMRAN ,   
odo    Cicle    Qaa ,   Zorge ,   Lap    zirdo    NOCO    
MAD ,   Hoath    Iaida

Noromi    bagie    pasbs    oiad    ds    trint    
mirc    ol    thil    dods    tolham    caosgo    Homin    
dsbrin    oroch    Quar    Micma    bial    oiad    
aisro    tox    dsivm    aai    Baltim    
ZACAR    od    ZAMRAN    odo    cicle    Qaa    
Zorge ,   Lap    zirdo    NOCO    MAD ,   hoath    Iaida

Ils    tabaan    Lialprt    casarman    vpaahi    chis    
darg    dsoado    caosgi    orscor    ds    omax    
monasci    Baeouib    od    emetgis    iaiadix    
ZACAR    od    ZAMRAN ,   odo    cicle    Qaa    
zorge ,   Lap    zirdo    NOCO    MAD ,   hoath    Iaida

Ilsviuialprt    salman    balt    ds    acroodzi    
busd    od    bliorax    balit    dsinsi    
caosg    lusdan    Emod    dsom    od    
tliob    drilpa    geh    yls    MadziLodarp    
ZACAR    odZAMRAN    odo    cicle    Qaa    
zorge ,   Lap    zirdo    NOCO    Mad    hoath    Iaida

Ils    dialprt    soba    vpaah    chis    nanba    
zixlay    dodsih    odbrint    Faxs    hubaro    
tastax    ylsi ,   sobaiad    Jvonpovnph    
Aldon    daxil    od    toatar :   ZACAR    od    
ZAMRAN    odo    cicle    Qaa ,   zorge    
lap    zirdo    Noco    Mad    hoath    Iaida

Ils    Micaolz    Olpirt    ialprg    Bliors    
ds    odod    busdir    oiad    ouoars    caosgo    
Casarmg    Laiad    eran    brints    cafafam    
ds    ivmd    aqlo    adohi    MOZ    od    
maoffas    Bolp    Comobliort    pambt    
ZACAR    od    ZAMRAN    Odocicle    
qaa ,   Zorge    lap    zirdo    Noco    MAD    
Hoath    Iaida .   

1. LIL
2. ARN
3: ZOM
4. PAZ
5. LIT
6. MAZ
7. DEO
8. ZID
9. ZIP
10. ZAX
11. ICH
12. LOE
13. ZIM
14. VTA
15. OXO
16. LEA
17. TAN
18. ZEN
19. POP
20 CHR
21 ASP
22: LIN
23 TOR
24 NIA
25 VTI
26 DES
27 ZAA
28 BAG
29 RII
30 TEX

4    1
3    2

Lil    1
Arn    2
Zom    3
Paz    4
Lit    5
Maz    6
Deo    7
Zid    8
Zip    9
Zax    10
Ich    11
Loe    12
Zim    13
Vta    14
Oxo    15
Lea    16
Tan    17
Zen    18
Pop    19
Chr    20
Asp    21
Lin    22
Tor    23
Nia    24
Vti    25
Des    26
Zaa    27
Bag    28
Rii    29
Tex    30

Madriax    dspraf    LIL    chis    Micaolz    
saanir    Caosgo    odfisis    balzizras    Iaida    
nonca    gohulim    Micma    adoian    MAD    
Jaod    bliorb    sabaooaona    chis    Lucifitas    
peripsol    ds    abraassa    noncf    netaaib    
Caosgi    od    tilb    adphaht    damploz    tooat    
noncf    gmicalzoma    Lrasd    tofglo    
marb    yarry    IDOIGO    
od    torzulp    iaodaf    gohol    Caosga    
tabaord    saanir    od    christeos    yrpoil    
tiobl    Busdirtilb    noalir    paid    orsba    
od    dodrmni    zylna    Elzaptilb    parmgi    
peripsax    od    ta    qurlst    booapiS
Lnibm    ovcho    symp ,   od    Christeos    
Agtoltorn    mirc    q    tiobl    Lel ,   Ton    
paombd    dilzmo    aspian ,   Od    christeos    
AgLtortorn    parach    asymp ,   cordziz    
dodpal    od    fifalz    Lsmnad ,   Od    
fargt    bams    omaoas ,   Conisbra    
od    auauox    tonug ,   Orscatbl    

noasmi    tabges ,   Leuithmong .   vnchi    
omptilb    ors .   Bagle    Moooah    
olcordziz .   Lcapimao    ixomaxip    od    cacocasb    
gosaa .   Baglen    pii    tianta    ababalond    
odfaorgt    telocvovim .   Madriiax /   torzu    
Oadriax    orocha    aboapri .   Tabaori    
priaz    artabas .   Adipan    corsta    dobix .   
Yolcam    priazi    arcoazior .   Odquasb    qting .   
Ripir    paaoxt    sagacor .   vmL    od    prdzar    
cacrg    Aoiveae    cormpt .   TORZV    ZACAR    
odZAMRAN    aspt    sibsi    butmona    ds    
surzas    tia    baltan :   Odo    cicle    
qaa :   od    ozazma    plapli    Jadnamad

Enochian keys, English, Dee’s preliminary version

48 Claues Angelicæ
A° 1584 Cracoviæ

48 Claues Angelicæ
A° 1584
Cracouiæ, ab Aprilis 13°,
Ad Julij 13m, diuersis
Temporibus Receptæ
Ex mera Dei nostri
Cui soli
Laus, honor, et gloria,

J    rayng    ouer you,    sayeth    the God    of Justice,    in powre exalted 
above the firmaments    of wrath:    in Whose    hands    the Sonne is    as
a sword    and the Mone    as    a through thrusting fire:    which measureth 
your garments    in the mydst    of my vestures,    and    trussed you together 
as    the palms    of my hands:    Whose    seats    J garnished 
with the fire    of gathering,    and    beautified    your garments    wth admiration. 
To whom    J made a law    to govern    the holy ones    and    deliuered you 
a rod    with    the ark of knowledge.    Moreover    you lifted up your Voyces 
and sware obedience and fayth to him that liueth and triumpheth 
whose    begynning is not,    nor ende 
cannot be,    which    shyneth    as a flame    in the myddst 
of your pallace,    and    rayngeth    amongst you    as the ballance 
of righteousness    and    truth:    Moue    therfore, 
and    shew yor selues:    open    the Mysteries    of your Creation: 
Be frendely vnto me:    for    J am    the servant    of the same yor God, 
the true worshipper    of the Highest.

Can    the wings    of the windes    vnderstand    yor voices of wunder, 
O you the second    of the first,    whome    the burning flames    have framed 
within the depth of my jaws:    whome    J have prepared    as    Cupps 
for a wedding,    or as    the flowres    in their beawty 
for the Chamber of righteousness.    Stronger    are    your fete 
then the barren stone:    And    mightier    are    your voices    than the manifold windes. 
For,    you are become    a buylding    such    as    is not,    but    in the mynde 
of the all powrefull.    Arrise,    sayth the First:    Move    therfore 
vnto his servants:    Shew your selues    in powre:    And 
make me    a strong seething:    for    J am    of him that liueth for euer.

Behold    sayeth    your God,    J am    a Circle    on whose hands 
stand    12    kingdoms:    Six    are    the seats 
of liuing breath:    the rest    are    as sharp sickles    or the horns 
of death    wherein    the creatures of yor earth    are    to    are    not, 
Except    myne own hand    which    slepe    and    shall rise. 
In the first    J made you    stuards    and    placed you    in seats    12 
of government,    giving    vnto euery one of you    powre 
successiuely    ouer    .456.    the true ages    of tyme: 
to the intent that    from yor highest vessells    and    the corners    of 
your governments    you might work    my powre,    powring downe 
the fires of life, and encrease,    continually    on the earth    Thus you are becõme    the skirts 
of Justice    and    Truth    Jn the Name    of the same your God 
Lift up,    J say,    your selues.    Behold    his mercies 
florish    and Name    is becõme    mighty 
amongst vs    Jn whom    we say:    Move, 
descend    and    apply your selues vnto us,    as vnto 
the partakers    of the secret wisdom    of your Creations

I haue set    my fete    in the sowth    and    haue loked abowt me:    saying,    are not 
the Thunders of encrease    numbred    33,    which raigne    in the second Angle? 
Vnder whome    J have placed    :9639    Whom    None    hath yet numbred 
but one,    in Whome    the second beginning of things    are    and wax strong, 
which allso    successiuely    are    the number of time:    and    their powres 
are    as the first    :456:    Arrise,    you Sonns of pleasure,    and 
viset the earth:    for    J am the lord yor God    which is,    and Liueth. 
Jn the name    of the Creätor,    Move    and    shew your selues 
as pleasant deliuerers    That you may praise him    amongst    the sonnes of men.

The mighty sownds    haue entred    in ye 3th Angle    and    are becõme    as oliues    in ye oliue mownt,        
    looking with gladness 
vppon the earth    and    dwelling    in the brightness of the heuens    as continuall comforters    Vnto whome    J fastened 
pillers of gladnes    .19.    and    gaue them    vessels    to water    the earth    wth her creatures: 
and    they are    the brothers    of the first    and second    and    the beginning    of their own seats 
which    are dornished with continuall bvrning lamps    :69636:    Whose    numbers    are    as    the first,    the endes, 
and    ye contents of tyme    Therefore    Come you    and    obey    yor creation:    viset vs in peace 
and    cumfort    Conclude vs    as receiuers    of yor mysteries:    for why?    Our Lord and Mr 
is all One.

The spirits    of ye 4th Angle    are    Nine,    Mighty    in the firmament of waters:    Whome 
the first    hath planted    a torment    to the wicked    and    a garland    to the righteous 
[gi]ving vnto them    fyrie darts    to vanne the earth    and    :7699: 
continuall workmen    whose courses    viset with cumfort    the earth 
and are    in government    and    contynuance    as the second 
and the third    Wherfore    harken vnto    my voyce:    J haue talked of you 
and    J move you    in powre and presence    whose works    shalbe 
a song of honor    and the praise    of your God    in your Creation.

The East    is a howse    of virgins    singing praises    amongst 
the flames of first glory    wherein the Lord hath opened his mouth:    and    they are becõme 
:28.    Liuing dwellings    in whome    the strength of man    reioyceth, 
and    they are apparailed    with ornaments of brightnes    such as    work wonders 
on all creatures    Whose    kingdomes    and continuance    are as the Third    and fowrth 
strong towres    and    places of cumfort    The seats of mercy    and    continuance. 
O you Servants    of Mercy,    Moue,    appear    sing prayses 
vnto the Creator    and    be mighty    amongst vs    For 
to this remembrance    is given    powre    and    our strength 
waxeth strong    in our Cumforter.

The Midday the first,    is as    the third heaven    made    of Hiacynct Pillers 
26    in whome    The Elders    are    becõme strong    wch J haue prepared 
for my own righteousnes    sayth the Lord:    Whose long contynuance    shall be 
as bucklers    to the stowping Dragon    and    Like vnto the haruest 
of a widdow.    How many ar there    which remayn    in the glorie 
of the earth    which are    and shall not see    death,    vntill 
this howse    fall    and    the Dragon    synck 
Come aways    for    the Thunders    haue spoken:    Come away, 
for    the Crownes    of the Temple    and    the coat 
of him that is, was, and shal be crowned,    are diuided    Come, 
Appeare    to the terror    of the earth    and 
to our cumfort    and    of such    as    are prepared.

A mighty    garde    of fire    wth two edged swords    flaming 
(which haue    viols    :8.    of wrath    for two tymes    and 
a half:    Whose    wings    are    of wormwood,    and 
of the marrow    of salt ,)    haue settled    their feete    in the west, 
and    are measured    with their ministers    :9996: 
These    gather vp    the moss    of the earth    as 
the rich man    doth    his threasor:    Cursed    ar they 
whose    iniquities    they are    in their eyes    are    milstones 
greater    then the earth    and    from their mowthes    rune 
seas    of blud:    Their heds    are covered 
with Diamond:    and    vppon    their heds    are    marble 
sleues.    Happie is he,    on whome    they frown not. 
For why?    The God of righteousnes    rejoyces    in them. 
Come away    and    not    your Viols    For 
the tyme    is such as    requireth    cumfort.

The Thunders of Judgment and Wrath    are    numbred    and 
are haborowed    in the North    in the likeness    of an oke    whose 
branches    are    Nests    :22:    of Lamentation    and 
Weaping    Layd up    for    the earth,    which    burn 
night    and    day:    and    vomit out    the heds    of scorpions 
and    live sulphur    myngled    with poyson    These    be 
The Thunders    that    .5678:    tymes    in the :24. th part  
of a moment    rore    with a hundred mighty erth    :24:    
sky    and    a thouwsand    tymes 
as many    surges    which    rest not    neyther
know    any    tyme 
here    One rock    bringeth forth    1000 
euen as    the heart    of man    doth    his thowghts. 
Wo    wo    wo    wo    wo    wo 
yea    wo    be to the earth    For    her iniquities 
is    was,    and shalbe    great.    Come awaye 
but    not    your noyses.

The mighty seat    groaned    and    they were    .5:    thundres 
which    flew    into the East    and    the Egle    spake 
and    cryed wth a lowde voyce    Come awaye    and they gathered them selues together and became    the howse 
of death    of whome 
it is measured    and    it is    as    they are,    whose 
number    is :31:    Come away    For    J prepare 
for you    Moue,    therfore    and    shew your selues: 
open    the Mysteries    of your Creation    Be frendely unto me    for    J am 
the servant    of the same yor God    The true worrshipper    of the Highest.

O you    that rayng    in the sowth    and    are    :28: 
the lanterns    of Sorrow    bynd vp    yor girdles    and    viset us 
Bring down    your trayn    :3663:    that    the Lord 
may be magnified    whose    name    amongst you    is Wrath. 
Moue,    I say,    and    shew yor selues:    open    ye mysteries    of yor creation 
be frendely vnto me    for    J am    the servant    of the same yor God    The true worrshipper    of the Highest.

O you swords    of the sowth    which haue    :42:    eyes 
to styr vp    the wrath    of Synn,    making    men 
drunken    which are    empty:    Behold    the promises 
of God    and    his powre    which    is called 
amongst you    A bitter sting    Moue    and    shew your selues 
Open    the mysteryes    of yor creation    Be frendely vnto me:    for    J am    the servant 
of ye same yor God    the true wurshipper    of the Highes.

O you Sonns    of fury    the dowghters    of the Just    which    sit 
vppon    :24:    seats    vexing    all creatures    of the earth    with age 
which haue    vnder you    :1636:    Behold    the voyce    of God, 
the promys    of him    which is called    amongst you    Furye or Extreme Justice. 
Moue    and    shew yor selues    Open    the mysteries    of yor Creation 
be frendely vnto me    for    J am    the servant    of the same your God    the true worshipper    of the Highest.

O thow    the governor    of the first flame    under whose    wyngs    are 
6739    which weaue    the earth    wth drynes    which    knowest
the great name    Righteousnes    and    the seal    of Honor 
Moue    and shew yor selues:    open    the mysteries    of yor Creation 
Be frendely vnto me    for    J am    the servant    of the same your God    the true worrshipper    of the Highest.

O thow    second flame    the howse    of Justice    which    hast thy begynning 
in glory:    and    shalt cumfort    the iust:    which walkest 
on the earth    with feete    :8763:    that vnderstand    and 
separate creatures:    great    art    thow    in the God of Stretch_Forth and Conquer 
Moue    and    shew yor selues    Open    the mysteries    of yor creation 
Be frendely vnto me    for    J am    the servant    of the same your God,    the true wurshipper    of the Highest

O thow    Third flame    Whose    wings    are    thorns 
to styr vp    vexation:    and hast    :7336:    Lamps living 
going before    the    whose God    is Wrath in Angre 
Gyrd vp    thy loynes    and    harken    Moue   and 
shew yor selues    Open    the mysteries    of yor Creation    Be frendely vnto me 
for    J am    the servant    of the same your God,    the true worshipper    of the Highest.

O thow    mighty    Light    and burning flame    of cumfort 
which    openest    the glory    of God    to the center    of the erth 
Jn whome    the secrets of truth    6332    haue    their abiding 
which    is called    in thy Kingdome   IOYE    and 
not to be measured    Be thow    a wyndow of cumfort    vnto me. 
Moue    and shew your selues    Open    the mysteries 
of your Creation    be frendely vnto me    for    J am    the servant    of the same your God 
the true wurshipper    of the Highest.

O you heuens    which dwell    in the first Ayre,    are    Mightie 
in the part    of the Erth,    and execute    the Judgement    of the highest: 
to you    it is sayd,    Beholde    the face    of your God, 
the begynning    of cumfort:    whose eyes    are    the brightnes 
of the hevens:    which    prouided    you    for the gouernment 
of the Erth    and    her    vnspeakable    varietie    furnishing 
you,    with a powr vnderstanding    to dispose    all things 
according    to the providence    of him that sits on the holy Throne 
and    rose vp    in the begynning,    saying    The Earth 
let her be gouerned    by her parts    and    Let there be    Diuision 
in her,    that the glory of hir    may be    allways    drunken 
and    vexed    in it self:    Her course,    let it ronne 
wth the hevens:    and    as    an handmayd    Let her serve them: 
One season    let it confownd    another:    And    let there be 
no Creature    vppon,    or    within her,    the same:    All 
her members    let them differ    in their qualities:    and    let there be
no one Creature    æqual    wth another:    The reasonable Creatures of the Erth 
let them vex    and    weede out    one another:    And 
the dwelling places    let them forget    their names:    The work of man, 
and    his pomp,    let them be defaced:    His buyldings 

let them become    caves    for the beasts of the field:    Confownd 
her vnderstanding    with darknes.    For why?    Jt repenteth me 
J made Man.    One While    Let her be known,    and    another While 
a stranger:    bycause    she is    the bed    of an Harlot, 
and the dwelling place    of him that is faln:    O you heuens    arrise, 
the lower heuens    vnderneath you,    Let them serve you:    Gouern 
those    that govern:    Cast down    such as    fall: 
Bring furth    with those    that encrease:    And destroy    the rotten: 
No place    let it remayne    in one number .:    Ad    and    Diminish, 
vntill    the stars    be numbred:    ARRISE,    MOVE, 
and    APPERE    before    the Couenant    of his mowth,    which 
he hath sworne    vnto vs    in his Justice:    OPEN    the Mysteries 
of your Creation:    And    Make Vs    partakers of vndefyled knowledg:

Enochian keys, Angelic, Dee’s final version

Ol    sonf    vorsg ,   gohó    Iad    balt .   lonsh
calz    vonpho ,   Sobra    z-ol    ror i    ta    
Nazpsad    Graa    ta    Malprg    Ds    hol_q    
Qäa    nothóa    Zimz    Od    commah    
ta    nobloh    zien :   Soba    thil    gnonp    
prge    aldi    Ds    vrbs    óbŏleh    grsam :   
Casárm    ohoréla    cabá    pir    Ds    zonrensg    
cab    erm    Jadnah :   P î lah    farzm    
zurza    adná    gono    Iâdpil    Ds    
hom    tóh /   Soba    Jpam    lu    
Jpamis /   Ds    lóhŏlo    vep    zomd    
Poamal    od    bogpa    aăi    ta    piap    
piamol    od    vooan    SACARe    c_a    
od    ZAMRAN    odo    cicle    Qäa /   
zorge ,   Lap    zirdo    Noco    MAD    
Hoath    Jaida .   

Adgt    v΄_pă_ah    zongom    fa_á_ip    sald    
vi_i_v    L    Sobam    J_ál_prg    J_ză_zaz    
pi_ádph    Cas_árma    abaramg    ta    talho    
paráclĕda    Q_ta    lors_l_q    turbs    
oöge    Baltoh /   Giui    chis    Lurd    
orri /   Od    mi_calp    chís    bia    ózŏngon    
Lap    noan    trof    cors    tage ,   o_q    manin    
Ja_í_don    Torzú    góhel    ZACAR    ca    
C-_nó_qod ,   ZAMRAN    micalzo /   od    
ozazm    vrelp    Lap    zir    Ioiad .   

Micma    gohó    Piad    zir    Cóm_selh    a zien    
biab    Os    Lón_doh    Norz    chis    óthil    
Gigipah    vnd_L    chis    tá pŭ_im    Q mos_pleh    
teloch    Qui_i_n    toltorg    chis    í    chis    ge    
em    ozíen    dst    brgda    od    torzul    
í lí    É ól    bal zarg    od    áăla    Thiln    os    
ne tă ab    dluga    vomsarg    lonsa    
cap_mi_ali    vors    cla    homil    cocasb    
fafen    izizop    od    miínŏag    de    
gue tá ab    vaun    na ná_ĕ_el    panpir    
Malpirgi    caósg    Pild    noan    vnalah    
balt    od    voóan    do ó_ĭ_ap    MAD    
Gohólor    gohús    amiran /   Micma ,   Iehúsoz    
ca_cá_com    od do_ó_ă_in    noar    mi_cá_olz    
a_aí_om /   Casárm    g    gohía    ZÓDĂCAR    
v΄niglag    od    Jm_uă_mar    pugo    
plapli    anánăel    Qáan .   

Othíl    lasdi    babăge    od    dorpha    Gohol    G chis ge    
a uá uăgo    cormp    pd    dsonf    vi v΄_di_v    
Casármi    óăli    Map m    Sobam    ag    cormpó    
c_rp_l    Casarmg    cro ód zi    chis    od v΄geg    
dst    ca pi máli    chis    Ca pi mă on    od    lonshin    
chis    ta Lo    Cla    Torgu    Nor quasahi    od    
F caósga    Bagle    zi re nái ad    Dsí    od    Apĭla    
Do ó a ip    Q_a_al    ZACÁR    od    ZAMRAN    
Obelisong    rest_el    aáf    Nor_mŏ_lap

Sa páh    zí mi i    du_í_b    od    noas    ta qu a nis    adroch    dorphal    
ca ósg    od    faonts    peripsol    tablior    Casarm    amipzi    
na zarth    af    od    dlugar    zizop    z_lida    caósgi    tol tórgi    
od    z_chis    e sĭ asch    L    ta vi u    od    iáod    thild    
ds    hubar    Pe ó al    soba    cormfa    chis    ta    la    vls    
od    Q_có_casb    Ca    niis    od    Darbs    q_á_as    Feth_ár_zi    
od    blióra    ia_ial    ed_nas    cicles    Bagle    Geiad    
i L

Gah    s dí u    chis    em    micálzo    pilzin    sobam    
El    harg    mir    babálon    od    obloc    samvelg    
dlugar    malprg    arcaósgi    od    Acám
canal    so ból zur    tbliård    caosgi
od chis    anetab    od    miam    ta vi v    
od d    Darsar    sol peth    bi en    B rita    
od    zácam    g micálzo    sob há ath    trían    
Lu ía he    odecrin    MAD    q a a on

Ra as    ísălman    paradizŏd    oécrimi    aao    
ial pírgah    qui in    enaý    butmon .   od    in óas    
ni    paradíal    Casarmg    vgéar    chirlan    
od    zonac    Lucifitan    cors ta    vaúl zirn    
tol há mi    Soba    londóh    od nuam    chis tad    odés    
vmádea    od    piblĭar    Othíl rit    od miam    
C no quol    Rit    ZACAR ,   ZAMRAN    oëcrimi    
qádah    od    o mi ca ol z    aáĭom    Bagle    
papnor    idlúgam    lonshi    od    vmplif    
vgĕgi    Biglĭad

Bazmĕlo    ita    pi rípson    oln    Nazăvábh    
ox    casarmg    vrán    chis    vgeg    dsa bramg    
baltŏha    gohó ĭ ad    Solá mian    trian    
ta Lól cis    A ba í uŏ nin    od    a zi ágĭ er    
rior    Irgil chís da    ds pá ă ox    bufd   
Caósgo    ds chis    odípŭran    télŏah    cacrg    
o ísălman    Loncho    od    Vouína    carbaf    
Niïso    Bagle    auáuăgo    gohón    Niíso    
bagle    mómăo    siáĭon    od    mábza    
iad o i ás mŏ mar |   poilp    Niis    
ZAMRAN    c i á ŏ fi    caósgo    od    
bliors    od    corsi    ta    a bră mig

Mi cá ŏli    bransg    prgel    napta    ialpor    
ds brin    e fá fă fe    P    vonpho    o l á ni    od    
obza    Sobca    vpăah    chis    tatan    od    
tranan    balÿe    alár    lusda    sobóln    
od    chís holq    C no quó di    cial    
vnál    aldon    mom    caosgo    ta    
Las óllor    gnay    limlal    Amma    chiis    
Sobca    madrid    z chis    o ö á nŏ an    chis    auíny    
drilpi    caósgin    od    but mŏni    parm    
zum vi    C nila    Dazis    ethámz    
a_chíldăo    od    mirc    ózól    chis    pi di á i    
collal ,   Vl cí nin    a_sóbam    vcim    
Bagle    Iad báltoh    chirlan    par    
N i íso    od    ip    ofáfăfe    Bagle    
a cócasb    i córsca    vnig    blior

Coráxo    chis    cormp    od    
blans    Lucal    a zí ă zor    paeb    Soba
Lilonon    chis    virq    op    eŏphan    od    
rá clir    maăsi    bagle    caosgi    ds    ialpon    
dosig    od    basgim    od    ox ex    dazís    siătris    
od    salbrox    cynxir    faboan    Vnál chis    
const    ds    dăox    cocasg    ol    
oánĭo    yor    vó him    ol    
gizyax    od    eórs    cocasg    
plosi    molui    ds    pagĕip    larag    
om    droln    e matorb    cocasb    
emna    Lpátralx    yolci    matb    
nomig    monons    olŏra    gnay    angĕlard    
Ohĭo    ohĭo    ohĭo    ohĭo    ohĭo    ohĭo    
noib    Ohĭo    Caósgon    Bagle    madrid    
i    ziróp    chiso    drilpa    Niiso
Crip    ip    nidăli

Ox í aÿ al    holdo    od    zirom    O    coráxo    
ds    zildar    ra ăsy    od    vabzir    camliax    
od    bahál    Niíso    +    salman    
telóch    Casár man    
hol_q    od    ti    ta    z_chis    soba    
cormf    i ga    Niísa    Bagle    abramg    
Noncp    ZACARe    ca od    ZAMRAN    
odo    cicle qaá    Zorge    Lap    zirdo    
Noco    Mad    Hoath    Iaïda

Nonci    dsonf    Babage    od    chis    ob    
hubáĭo    tibibp    allar    atrăah    od    ef    
drix    fafen    Mian    ar    E nay    
ovof    Soba    do ó ă in    aăi    i VONPH    
ZACAR    gohus    od    ZAMRAN ,   odo    cicle    Qäá ,   
Zorge ,   Lap    zirdo    NOCO    MAD ,   Hoath    Iaida .   

Napeai    Babăgen    ds brin    vx    ooáŏna    
L ring    vonph    doălim    eŏlis    ollog    
orsba    ds chis    affa    Micma    isro    
MAD    od    Lonshi_tox    ds    ivmd    
aái    GROSB :   ZACAR    od    ZAMRAN ,   
odo    Cicle    Qäa ,   Zorge ,   Lap    zirdo    NOCO    
MAD ,   Hoath    Iaïda

Norómi    bagíe    pasbs    oiad    ds    trint    
mirc    ol    thil    dods    tolham    caósgo    Ho min    
ds brin    oroch    Quar    Micma    bial    oĭad    
aísro    tox    dsi vm    aái    Baltim    
ZACAR    od    ZAMRAN    odo    cicle    Qäa    
Zorge ,   Lap    zirdo    NOCO    MAD ,   hoath    Iaïda

Ils    tabăan    Liálprt    casarman    vpa ă hi    chis    
darg    dsoădo    caósgi    orscor    ds    ŏmax    
monasci    Baeouib    od    emétgis    ia í ă dix    
ZACAR    od    ZAMRAN ,   odo    cicle    Qäa    
zorge ,   Lap    zirdo    NOCO    MAD ,   hoath    Iaïda

Ils viuíălprt    salman    balt    ds    acroódzi    
busd    od    bliorax    balit    dsin si    
caosg    lusdan    Emod    dsom    od    
tli ob    drilpa    ģeh    yls    Mad zi Lodarp    
ZACAR    od ZAMRAN    odo    cicle    Qaa    
zorge ,   Lap    zirdo    NOCO    Mad    hoath    Iaîda

Ils    dialprt    soba    vpăah    chis    nanba    
zix lay    dodsih    od brint    Faxs    hubăro    
tastax    ylsi ,   sobaíad    J vónpŏvnph    
Aldon    dax il    od    toátar :   ZACAR    od    
ZAMRAN    odo    cicle    Qäá ,   zorge    
lap    zirdo    Noco    Mad    hoath    Iaîda

Ils    Micaól_z    Olpirt    ialprg    Bliors    
ds    odod    busdir    oĭad    ouŏars    caósgo    
Casarmg    Laiad    erán    brints    cafăfam    
ds    ivmd    a q lo    a dóhi    MOZ    od    
ma óf fas    Bolp    Comóblĭort    pambt    
ZACAR    od    ZAMRAN    Odo cicle    
qäa ,   Zorge    lap    zirdo    Noco    MAD    
Hoath    Iaida .   

1. LIL
2. ARN
3: ZOM
4. PAZ
5. LIT
6. MAZ
7. DEO
8. ZID
9. ZIP
10. ZAX
11. ICH
12. LOE
13. ZIM
14. VTA
15. OXO
16. LEA
17. TAN
18. ZEN
19. POP
20 CHR
21 ASP
22: LIN
23 TOR
24 NIA
25 VTI
26 DES
27 ZAA
28 BAG
29 RII
30 TEX

4    1
3    2

Lil    1
Arn    2
Zom    3
Paz    4
Lit    5
Maz    6
Deo    7
Zid    8
Zip    9
Zax    10
Ich    11
Loe    12
Zim    13
Vta    14
Oxo    15
Lea    16
Tan    17
Zen    18
Pop    19
Chr    20
Asp    21
Lin    22
Tor    23
Nia    24
Vti    25
Des    26
Zaa    27
Bag    28
Rii    29
Tex    30

Madrĭax    ds praf    LIL    chis    Micáolz    
saánir    Caósgo    od fisis    bal zizras    Iaída    
nonca    gohúlim    Micma    adoían    MAD    
J á od    bliorb    så ba o o á ŏna    chis    Lucíftïas    
peripsol    ds    abraássa    noncf    netáaib    
Caósgi    od    tilb    adphaht    dám ploz    toóat    
noncf    gmi cálzŏma    L_rásd    tófglo    
marb    yárry    IDOIGO    
od    tor zulp    ia ó daf    gohól    Caósga    
tabaord    saánir    od    christéos    yr póil    
ti ó bl    Bus dir tilb    noalir    paid    orsba    
od    dodrmni    zylna    El záp tilb    parm gi    
perípsax    od    ta    qurlst    bo o a pi S
L nib m    ovcho    symp ,   od    Christéos    
Ag tol torn    mirc    q    ti ó bl    Lel ,   Ton    
paombd    dilzmo    as pían ,   Od    christĕos    
Ag L tor torn    parach    a sÿmp ,   cord ziz    
dodpal    od    fifalz    Ls mnad ,   Od    
fargt    bams    omaóas ,   Conísbra    
od    auauox    tonug ,   Ors cát bl    

noăsmi    tabgés ,   Leuith mong .   vnchi    
omp tilb    ors .   Bagle    Mo ó ŏ ah    
ol córd ziz .   L capímao    ixomaxip    od    cacócasb    
gosăa .   Baglen    pii    tiánta    a bábălond    
od faórgt    telóc vo v im .   Mádriiax /   torzu    
Oádriax    orócha    abóăpri .   Tabáŏri    
priáz    artabas .   A dí pan    corsta    dobix .   
Yolcam    priázi    arcoazior .   Od quasb    qting .   
Ripír    paaoxt    sagácor .   vmL    od    prdzar    
cacrg    Aoivéăe    cormpt .   TORZV    ZACAR    
od ZAMRAN    aspt    sibsi    butmŏna    ds    
surzas    tia    baltan :   Odo    cicle    
qáa :   od    ozazma    plapli    Jadnămad

Enochian keys, English, Dee’s final version

48 Claues Angelicæ
A° 1584 Cracoviæ

48 Claues Angelicæ
A° 1584
Cracouiæ, ab Aprilis 13°,
Ad Julij 13m, diuersis
Temporibus Receptæ
Ex mera Dei nostri
Cui soli
Laus, honor, et gloria,

J    rayng    ouer you,    sayeth    the God    of Justice,    in powre exalted 
above the firmaments    of wrath:    in Whose    hands    the Sonne is    as
a sword    and the Mone    as    a through thrusting fire:    which measureth 
your garments    in the mydst    of my vestures,    and    trussed you together 
as    the palms    of my hands:    Whose    seats    J garnished 
with the fire    of gathering,    and    beautified    your garments    wth admiration. 
To whom    J made a law    to govern    the holy ones    and    deliuered you 
a rod    with    the ark of knowledge.    Moreover    you lifted up your Voyces 
and sware obedience and fayth to him that liueth and triumpheth 
whose    begynning is not,    nor ende 
cannot be,    which    shyneth    as a flame    in the myddst 
of your pallace,    and    rayngeth    amongst you    as the ballance 
of righteousness    and    truth:    Moue    therfore, 
and    shew yor selues:    open    the Mysteries    of your Creation: 
Be frendely vnto me:    for    J am    the servant    of the same yor God, 
the true worshipper    of the Highest.

Can    the wings    of the windes    vnderstand    yor voices of wunder, 
O you the second    of the first,    whome    the burning flames    have framed 
within the depth of my jaws:    whome    J have prepared    as    Cupps 
for a wedding,    or as    the flowres    in their beawty 
for the Chamber of righteousness.    Stronger    are    your fete 
then the barren stone:    And    mightier    are    your voices    than the manifold windes. 
For,    you are become    a buylding    such    as    is not,    but    in the mynde 
of the all powrefull.    Arrise,    sayth the First:    Move    therfore 
vnto his servants:    Shew your selues    in powre:    And 
make me    a strong seething:    for    J am    of him that liueth for euer.

Behold    sayeth    your God,    J am    a Circle    on whose hands 
stand    12    kingdoms:    Six    are    the seats 
of liuing breath:    the rest    are    as sharp sickles    or the horns 
of death    wherein    the creatures of yor earth    are    to    are    not, 
Except    myne own hand    which    slepe    and    shall rise. 
In the first    J made you    stuards    and    placed you    in seats    12 
of government,    giving    vnto euery one of you    powre 
successiuely    ouer    .456.    the true ages    of tyme: 
to the intent that    from yor highest vessells    and    the corners    of 
your governments    you might work    my powre,    powring downe 
the fires of life, and encrease,    continually    on the earth    Thus you are becõme    the skirts 
of Justice    and    Truth    Jn the Name    of the same your God 
Lift up,    J say,    your selues.    Behold    his mercies 
florish    and Name    is becõme    mighty 
amongst vs    Jn whom    we say:    Move, 
descend    and    apply your selues vnto us,    as vnto 
the partakers    of the secret wisdom    of your Creations

I haue set    my fete    in the sowth    and    haue loked abowt me:    saying,    are not 
the Thunders of encrease    numbred    33,    which raigne    in the second Angle? 
Vnder whome    J have placed    :9639    Whom    None    hath yet numbred 
but one,    in Whome    the second beginning of things    are    and wax strong, 
which allso    successiuely    are    the number of time:    and    their powres 
are    as the first    :456:    Arrise,    you Sonns of pleasure,    and 
viset the earth:    for    J am the lord yor God    which is,    and Liueth. 
Jn the name    of the Creätor,    Move    and    shew your selues 
as pleasant deliuerers    That you may praise him    amongst    the sonnes of men.

The mighty sownds    haue entred    in ye 3th Angle    and    are becõme    as oliues    in ye oliue mownt,        
    looking with gladness 
vppon the earth    and    dwelling    in the brightness of the heuens    as continuall comforters    Vnto whome    J fastened 
pillers of gladnes    .19.    and    gaue them    vessels    to water    the earth    wth her creatures: 
and    they are    the brothers    of the first    and second    and    the beginning    of their own seats 
which    are dornished with continuall bvrning lamps    :69636:    Whose    numbers    are    as    the first,    the endes, 
and    ye contents of tyme    Therefore    Come you    and    obey    yor creation:    viset vs in peace 
and    cumfort    Conclude vs    as receiuers    of yor mysteries:    for why?    Our Lord and Mr 
is all One.

The spirits    of ye 4th Angle    are    Nine,    Mighty    in the firmament of waters:    Whome 
the first    hath planted    a torment    to the wicked    and    a garland    to the righteous 
[gi]ving vnto them    fyrie darts    to vanne the earth    and    :7699: 
continuall workmen    whose courses    viset with cumfort    the earth 
and are    in government    and    contynuance    as the second 
and the third    Wherfore    harken vnto    my voyce:    J haue talked of you 
and    J move you    in powre and presence    whose works    shalbe 
a song of honor    and the praise    of your God    in your Creation.

The East    is a howse    of virgins    singing praises    amongst 
the flames of first glory    wherein the Lord hath opened his mouth:    and    they are becõme 
:28.    Liuing dwellings    in whome    the strength of man    reioyceth, 
and    they are apparailed    with ornaments of brightnes    such as    work wonders 
on all creatures    Whose    kingdomes    and continuance    are as the Third    and fowrth 
strong towres    and    places of cumfort    The seats of mercy    and    continuance. 
O you Servants    of Mercy,    Moue,    appear    sing prayses 
vnto the Creator    and    be mighty    amongst vs    For 
to this remembrance    is given    powre    and    our strength 
waxeth strong    in our Cumforter.

The Midday the first,    is as    the third heaven    made    of Hiacynct Pillers 
26    in whome    The Elders    are    becõme strong    wch J haue prepared 
for my own righteousnes    sayth the Lord:    Whose long contynuance    shall be 
as bucklers    to the stowping Dragon    and    Like vnto the haruest 
of a widdow.    How many ar there    which remayn    in the glorie 
of the earth    which are    and shall not see    death,    vntill 
this howse    fall    and    the Dragon    synck 
Come aways    for    the Thunders    haue spoken:    Come away, 
for    the Crownes    of the Temple    and    the coat 
of him that is, was, and shal be crowned,    are diuided    Come, 
Appeare    to the terror    of the earth    and 
to our cumfort    and    of such    as    are prepared.

A mighty    garde    of fire    wth two edged swords    flaming 
(which haue    viols    :8.    of wrath    for two tymes    and 
a half:    Whose    wings    are    of wormwood,    and 
of the marrow    of salt ,)    haue settled    their feete    in the west, 
and    are measured    with their ministers    :9996: 
These    gather vp    the moss    of the earth    as 
the rich man    doth    his threasor:    Cursed    ar they 
whose    iniquities    they are    in their eyes    are    milstones 
greater    then the earth    and    from their mowthes    rune 
seas    of blud:    Their heds    are covered 
with Diamond:    and    vppon    their heds    are    marble 
sleues.    Happie is he,    on whome    they frown not. 
For why?    The God of righteousnes    rejoyces    in them. 
Come away    and    not    your Viols    For 
the tyme    is such as    requireth    cumfort.

The Thunders of Judgment and Wrath    are    numbred    and 
are haborowed    in the North    in the likeness    of an oke    whose 
branches    are    Nests    :22:    of Lamentation    and 
Weaping    Layd up    for    the earth,    which    burn 
night    and    day:    and    vomit out    the heds    of scorpions 
and    live sulphur    myngled    with poyson    These    be 
The Thunders    that    .5678:    tymes    in the :24. th part  
of a moment    rore    with a hundred mighty erth    :24:    
sky    and    a thouwsand    tymes 
as many    surges    which    rest not    neyther
know    any    tyme 
here    One rock    bringeth forth    1000 
euen as    the heart    of man    doth    his thowghts. 
Wo    wo    wo    wo    wo    wo 
yea    wo    be to the earth    For    her iniquities 
is    was,    and shalbe    great.    Come awaye 
but    not    your noyses.

The mighty seat    groaned    and    they were    .5:    thundres 
which    flew    into the East    and    the Egle    spake 
and    cryed wth a lowde voyce    Come awaye    and they gathered them selues together and became    the howse 
of death    of whome 
it is measured    and    it is    as    they are,    whose 
number    is :31:    Come away    For    J prepare 
for you    Moue,    therfore    and    shew your selues: 
open    the Mysteries    of your Creation    Be frendely unto me    for    J am 
the servant    of the same yor God    The true worrshipper    of the Highest.

O you    that rayng    in the sowth    and    are    :28: 
the lanterns    of Sorrow    bynd vp    yor girdles    and    viset us 
Bring down    your trayn    :3663:    that    the Lord 
may be magnified    whose    name    amongst you    is Wrath. 
Moue,    I say,    and    shew yor selues:    open    ye mysteries    of yor creation 
be frendely vnto me    for    J am    the servant    of the same yor God    The true worrshipper    of the Highest.

Ô you swords    of the sowth    which haue    :42:    eyes 
to styr vp    the wrath    of Synn,    making    men 
drunken    which are    empty:    Behold    the promises 
of God    and    his powre    which    is called 
amongst you    A bitter sting    Moue    and    shew your selues 
Open    the mysteryes    of yor creation    Be frendely vnto me:    for    J am    the servant 
of ye same yor God    the true wurshipper    of the Highes.

Ô you Sonns    of fury    the dowghters    of the Just    which    sit 
vppon    :24:    seats    vexing    all creatures    of the earth    with age 
which haue    vnder you    :1636:    Behold    the voyce    of God, 
the promys    of him    which is called    amongst you    Furye or Extreme Justice. 
Moue    and    shew yor selues    Open    the mysteries    of yor Creation 
be frendely vnto me    for    J am    the servant    of the same your God    the true worshipper    of the Highest.

O thow    the governor    of the first flame    under whose    wyngs    are 
6739    which weaue    the earth    wth drynes    which    knowest
the great name    Righteousnes    and    the seal    of Honor 
Moue    and shew yor selues:    open    the mysteries    of yor Creation 
Be frendely vnto me    for    J am    the servant    of the same your God    the true worrshipper    of the Highest.

Ô thow    second flame    the howse    of Justice    which    hast thy begynning 
in glory:    and    shalt cumfort    the iust:    which walkest 
on the earth    with feete    :8763:    that vnderstand    and 
separate creatures:    great    art    thow    in the God of Stretch_Forth and Conquer 
Moue    and    shew yor selues    Open    the mysteries    of yor creation 
Be frendely vnto me    for    J am    the servant    of the same your God,    the true wurshipper    of the Highest

O thow    Third flame    Whose    wings    are    thorns 
to styr vp    vexation:    and hast    :7336:    Lamps living 
going before    the    whose God    is Wrath in Angre 
Gyrd vp    thy loynes    and    harken    Moue   and 
shew yor selues    Open    the mysteries    of yor Creation    Be frendely vnto me 
for    J am    the servant    of the same your God,    the true worshipper    of the Highest.

O thow    mighty    Light    and burning flame    of cumfort 
which    openest    the glory    of God    to the center    of the erth 
Jn whome    the secrets of truth    6332    haue    their abiding 
which    is called    in thy Kingdome   IOYE    and 
not to be measured    Be thow    a wyndow of cumfort    vnto me. 
Moue    and shew your selues    Open    the mysteries 
of your Creation    be frendely vnto me    for    J am    the servant    of the same your God 
the true wurshipper    of the Highest.

O you heuens    which dwell    in the first Ayre,    are    Mightie 
in the part    of the Erth,    and execute    the Judgement    of the highest: 
to you    it is sayd,    Beholde    the face    of your God, 
the begynning    of cumfort:    whose eyes    are    the brightnes 
of the hevens:    which    prouided    you    for the gouernment 
of the Erth    and    her    vnspeakable    varietie    furnishing 
you,    with a powr vnderstanding    to dispose    all things 
according    to the providence    of him that sits on the holy Throne 
and    rose vp    in the begynning,    saying    The Earth 
let her be gouerned    by her parts    and    Let there be    Diuision 
in her,    that the glory of hir    may be    allways    drunken 
and    vexed    in it self:    Her course,    let it ronne 
wth the hevens:    and    as    an handmayd    Let her serve them: 
One season    let it confownd    another:    And    let there be 
no Creature    vppon,    or    within her,    the same:    All 
her members    let them differ    in their qualities:    and    let there be
no one Creature    æqual    wth another:    The reasonable Creatures of the Erth 
let them vex    and    weede out    one another:    And 
the dwelling places    let them forget    their names:    The work of man, 
and    his pomp,    let them be defaced:    His buyldings 

let them become    caves    for the beasts of the field:    Confownd 
her vnderstanding    with darknes.    For why?    Jt repenteth me 
J made Man.    One While    Let her be known,    and    another While 
a stranger:    bycause    she is    the bed    of an Harlot, 
and the dwelling place    of him that is faln:    O you heuens    arrise, 
the lower heuens    vnderneath you,    Let them serve you:    Gouern 
those    that govern:    Cast down    such as    fall: 
Bring furth    with those    that encrease:    And destroy    the rotten: 
No place    let it remayne    in one number .:    Ad    and    Diminish, 
vntill    the stars    be numbred:    ARRISE,    MOVE, 
and    APPERE    before    the Couenant    of his mowth,    which 
he hath sworne    vnto vs    in his Justice:    OPEN    the Mysteries 
of your Creation:    And    Make Vs    partakers of vndefyled knowledg: