Emmerich 5 May 1635
Method of using a magnet. Oriental languages. The Society and its enemies.
Aachen 22 March 1642
Kedd has exchanged posts with Fr Brandis. Plans to observe magnetic declination and eclipses of the moon. A pupil of Kedd’s has returned home.
Schleswig 18 January 1648
The Duke of Holstein [Friedrich III, 1597-1659] is fascinated by Kircher: enclosed is a list of secrets he would like to know, and also a picture of him.
Gottorp 20 June no year [1648 or 1649?]
Kedd has been sent to Holstein to stay with the Duke, a prospective Catholic convert. He is living under the name of Theodorus or Derck Berck.
Schleswig 23 October no year [1649 or 1649?]
The Duke of Holstein – he would like Musurgia. A copy of Peregrinatio Persica located. Letters must be addressed to Theodor Berck: only the Duke knows Kedd’s true identity.
Amsterdam no date [1650?]
Please send 30 copies of Musurgia direct to Amsterdam for distribution. Malta under siege by Holland.
Amsterdam 25 February no year [1650?]
Kedd has given his Heliopolis to the Duke of Saxony: he wants the Musurgia. Please send copies of books to sell. Salmasius on the English Regicides: ‘worse than the Jesuits’.
Friedrichstadt 19 April 1650
Kedd has presented his Heliopolis to the Duke of Holstein and won a good opinion from him. He would like the Musurgia and a musical box. Please send 20 copies.
Friedrichstadt 10 July 1650
Musurgia on its way to the Duke of Holstein. His son is to visit Rome. Please send more books. A copy of Heliopolis on its way via Amsterdam.
Antwerp 1 September no year [1650?]
The Duke of Holstein is looking forward to the musical box and anything else which may be sent.
Cologne 17 September no year [1650?]
20 copies of Musurgia and Obeliscus disposed of. Need for a pension.
Prague 16 October no year [1650? 1651?]
Count Martinitz liked the dedication. Kedd is to return to Holstein and work on the duke’s library.
Regensburg 16 November 1650
Arrangements for sending books via Amsterdam. Rumour that Pope Innocent X read Obeliscus Pamphili in his private room. The Duke of Holstein wants Musurgia and the musical box.
Prague 26 November no year [1650?]
The Elector of Brandenburg has done what was wanted. Please send a musical box for the Duke of Holstein. A good idea to dedicate the universal Oedipus to him. Good news about China.
Würzburg 30 November no year [1650?]
Renewed application for the pension for the northern mission.
Friedrichstadt 16 December 1650
Kedd is back home feeling seasick. The Prince of Darmstadt’s trip to Malta: his wedding [Louis / Ludwig VI, 1630-1678]. Gift of Kircher’s books to him.
Friedrichstadt 22 January 1651
The Duke of Holstein pleased with Musurgia. Copies needed for other influential people.
Friedrichstadt 16 April 1651
Importance of sending the Duke a gift. Arrangements for sending books. Has Kircher got a way of softening hardened glass to impress the Duke? A conversion to Catholicism.
Friedrichstadt 11 June 1651
The Duke of Holstein has received Kedd kindly as a friend of Kircher’s. Need for a pension.
Cologne 28 August [1651?]
The Duke is still waiting for the musical box. A new bishop of Roermond.
Würzburg 30 November 1651
Letters astray. Books sold. A pension for the northern mission needed.
Regensburg 11 December 1651
Kedd in Austria for the winter, will return to Holstein. Rumours that the Elector of Saxony is to become a Catholic. Books sold.
Vienna 30 December 1651
New Year’s greetings. Can Fr Gans arrange the pension when he reaches Rome? Dedication of Oedipus Universalis. A Spanish cure for gout.
Prague 6 November no year [1652?]
Martini is a favourite of the Prince of Brandenburg. The Duke of Saxony and his son have visited the Emperor at Prague: then on to Regensburg. An imperial ban on the city of Bremen.
Prague 20 November no year [1652?]
Audience with the Elector of Brandenburg. Lobbying. They are to meet again at Regensburg.
Regensburg 20 January no year [1653?]
Letters not reaching Gans. Write to the emperor about money via Kedd.
Regensburg 20 January no year [1653?]
Kedd is now known to all the electors and princes. They all want to know his opinion of the comet. A defection to Turkey.
Regensburg 27 January 1653
The emperor and numerous noblemen have assembled for a feast. They all want Kircher’s opinion on the comet. Gifts needed. Please send news of the conversion of the King of China and his sending of ambassadors to Rome.
Regensburg 11 February no year [1653?]
Good that the Duke of Holstein is in Rome. Gifts to the Duke of Holstein and the Elector of Brandenburg. A Swiss convert. What news of the King of China? What of the comet?
No place [Regensburg?] 17 February no year [1653?]
The nobles want Kircher’s opinion on the comet. Books. Money matters.
Regensburg 10 March no year [1653?]
An audience with the emperor: he liked the dedication. The observations of the comet to remain a secret. Please send gifts for the Elector of Brandenburg and the Duke of Holstein.
Regensburg 17 March no year [1653?]
A prospective convert. The election of the King of the Romans to be held on 25 May. Will the Chinese king’s Polish ambassador attend with Kircher?
Regensburg 21 April no year [1653?]
The emperor has ordered Magnes to be published. Greetings from the Elector of Heidelberg. The Elector of Brandenburg is expected soon. About the dedication of Oedipus Universalis – maybe to the Duke of Holstein. His son is progressing in mathematics. Conversions to Catholicism.
Regensburg 6 May no year [1653?]
Books wanted for the Electors of Heidelberg and Brandenburg. Propaganda Fide has sent some welcome money. A conversion expected.
Regensburg 23 June no year [1653?]
Who not to offend with the dedication. Dispute between the Electors of Mainz and Cologne over the coronation of Ferdinand [IV, 1633-1654, then the heir of Ferdinand III]. Count Martinitz mentioned – a good friend. Money for the northern mission arrived.
Regensburg 30 June no year [1653?]
Sales of books to various noblemen. The dedication of Oedipus: possible names and the advice of Fr Gans.
Regensburg 21 July [1653?]
Gans has the right idea about the dedication of the universal Oedipus. Need for money for the northern mission.
Regensburg 1 November no year [1653?]
The Archbishop of Mainz would like the dedication of the book on Chinese antiquities: Kircher should raise the question of money. Other noblemen interested in various books. A happy 53 rd birthday in advance.
Regensburg 11 November 1653
Money matters. A young nobleman attracted to Catholicism. When will the Chinese ambassadors see the emperor? A baron from Livonia claims Kircher’s acquaintance. Presents for the princes of Holstein, Heidelberg and Brandenburg are needed.
Regensburg 12 January 1654
The Archbishop of Mainz will pay for the work once he sees it. A young man’s unwise journey to Rome. Dedication of Oedipus. Please send gifts for the Elector Palatine and the Duke of Holstein. Money matters.
Vienna 22 August no year [1654?]
An eclipse. The death of the king [Ferdinand IV, died 9 July 1654]. A comet. Books.
Vienna 9 January 1655
A copy of Magnes offered to the Count of Wolkenstein. They had several copies anyway.
Vienna 28 October no year [1655?]
29 copies of Oedipus sent to prominent people including Marci and Martinitz.
Prague 28 August no year
Hopes for converting Germany. An apostasy. Money matters.
Prague 23 October no year
A booklet to convert heretics. Duke of Holstein ill. Money matters.
Vienna 13 April no year
Money matters. Lobbying.
Prague 27 July no year
Kedd arrived on 20 July. Thanks for helping the nephew. Money matters.
Prague 19 October no year
A conversion. Debate with Lutheran scholars.
Prague 11 September no year
Fr Gans is on a hunting trip with the emperor: he would love to have the stone. Dinner with Count Martinitz. The Duke of Holstein expects a dedication. Greetings from Marci.
Regensburg 24 November no year
Kedd will try to get the Archbishop of Mainz to do what is wanted. Copies of Kircher’s books needed.
Vienna 6 July no year
A certain doctor has become a Catholic. Kedd proceeding to Prague.
Vienna 25 June no year
The emperor off to Prague via Zell and Linz. Kedd in Prague till June: the Duke of Holstein may be coming. A confusion about payment.
No place, no date
Possible dedications of various books. The Abbot of Fulda on chariots and the Alphabetum Ginense used for various languages: he ought to have a gift.
Vienna 23 January no year
Orders for books and payment. Mundus Subterraneus keenly awaited.
Regensburg 12 May no year
Thoughts about the dedication of Oedipus and other books.
Regensburg 11 August no year [1651?]
Sale of Kircher’s books. Gans on the dedication to the emperor.
Regensburg 15 September no year
The dedication of the book. A forthcoming conversion to Catholicism.
Marci arranges an imperial pension for Kircher and invites him to court.
Baresch recommended. Plans for a Coptic-Arabic dictionary.
Plans for Kircher’s visit. Baresch mentioned. A request for books.
The Swedes invade Bohemia. A captured cipher letter of General Banner.
Marci’s progress in Arabic. His difficulties with unvocalised texts.
A theory about the moon and the tides.
A discussion of Jesuit missionary literature. A request for Arabic books.
The invitation to court renewed. Observation of the lunar eclipse [15 April].
Difficulties of Arabic: some sentences written in Arabic. A request for information about Arabic books.
The Arabic books gratefully received. New hopes for the Coptic-Arabic lexicon.
A copy of an Egyptian vase. A route through Russia to China.
Study of Arabic. Forthcoming eclipses. The route to China. A mention of Rudolph II and Dionysius Misseroni.
Astronomical observations. The Coptic book still not available. Arabic studies.
Father Reita’s dubious claim to see new satellites of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
The Coptic-Arabic dictionary. The war flares up.
More doubts about Reita.
A new pope elected [Innocent X]. The Coptic-Arabic dictionary.
Father Mersenne. Marci’s book on the rainbow. Rudolph II’s glowing jewel – a myth. Arabic books.
Wartime isolation. Promotion of the Archduke. Peace with Turkey.
Arabic studies. Glauber’s chemical furnace. Preparations for a siege.
Not in Fletcher. Not signed but in Marci’s handwriting.
A request for missionary literature. A change of dynasty in China?
An imperial visit to Hornhaus: the new curative wells there. Pilgrims, Marci’s poor eyesight, Spartan conditions, the risks of wartime travel.
Note: f. 117 is a copy of a lost original and f. 100 is a copy of f. 117.
Some books gratefully received. The book on the rainbow to be published. Death of the monk who used to deliver Marci’s letters.
A certain Carmelite recommended as a new messenger. War news. Events in China.
A treatise on the recent purple rain. The wedding of the Emperor.
Hopes of peace. A Spanish method of determining longitude.
Peace with Sweden. The death by drowning of Marci’s son Philipp.
Some books gone astray. A recommendation of Siegmund Gref.
Prague 10 December 1650
Not available.
An enquiry about Oedipus Aegyptiacus. Father Colerus becomes Marci’s financial agent in Rome. A request for missionary books.
Financial arrangements for book buying. More doubts about Reita.
Marci sends a book of his. A snake created in a test tube.
Marci’s son Georg sent to Rome and entrusted to Kircher. Swedish depredations.
Oedipus Aegyptiacus arrives at last. Alchemical experiments old and new: a mention of Rudolph II and Edward Kelley.
The election [18 July] and coronation [1 August] of Emperor Leopold I. Troubles of Caramuel Lobkowitz.
A recommendation of the Countess of Thun. Union of the Clementine and Caroline universities in Prague.
Beinecke 408A
Marci sends an enciphered manuscript to Kircher. Can Kircher read it?
A request for missionary books. Arrangements for payment.
Note: this letter is signed by Marci but not in his handwriting. The handwriting is the same as in the Beinecke letter.
Prague 17 March 1640
Partly enciphered. Questions about Trithemian steganography.
Vienna 12 May 1640
Partly enciphered. More about Trithemian steganography.
Prague 1 September 1640
In Italian. Trithemius again. Marci mentioned.
Prague 22 September 1640
Partly enciphered. Trithemian steganography, mention of Marci and the emperor.
Prague 20 October 1640
In Italian and Latin. Trithemian steganography. Mention of the emperor.
Prague 3 November 1640
In Italian. The emperor has sent money to Kircher and will correspond through Gans about publishing his work.
Regensburg 26 July 1641
An enquiry from the emperor about a perpetual motion machine.
Prague 6 October 1641
The emperor will write through Gans: he and Martinitz want Kircher’s book.
Prague 7 December 1641
Martinitz cannot obtain Magnetismus. Hopes of visiting Rome.
Prague 22 March 1643
Thanks for a gift. Arrangements for payment.
Prague 17 August 1650
Arrangements for the pension. Cryptography. Please cultivate the Elector of Saxony’s son and the Elector Palatine.
Undated [Rome? 1650?]
The emperor [seemingly in Rome] wants to see Kircher at 3.30.
Prague 17 December 1650
In Italian. A recent visit to Rome. A ‘secret’ mentioned in veiled terms.
1 December 1650
Thanks for some books. A suggested Trithemian cipher by Archduke Leopold.
Prague 19 June 1655
A spendthrift young man. Oedipus Aegyptiacus eagerly awaited.
Prague 3 July 1655
Thank you for the book
Prague 4 November 1655
A book about the pre-Adamites sent. Oedipus Aegyptiacus very good.
Prague 5 January 1656
About the disposal of some books.
Vienna 9 August 1659
Arrangements for the pension. A cipher the emperor wants solved.
Prague 28 February 1660
Peace has arrived. Martinitz has remarried.
Prague 5 January 1664
Martinitz has heard of predictions which Kircher made to Ferdinand Wallenstein in 1640 and are now being fulfilled.
Prague 15 March 1664
Martinitz had heard that Kircher owns a manuscript predicting the future. The Turkish danger.
Prague 25 July 1665
Thanks for a book about astronomy. Comets.
18 September 1665
Various disasters which were preceded by comets.
7 July 1673
In Italian. A picture of the Virgin enclosed.
Regensburg 10 February 1641
Financial help with printing promised. Please send De Magnete as soon as it is finished. The emperor would like it.
Regensburg 30 April 1641
Please send more news about the fish. Please send the magnetic book when finished. The Florentine has organised the type face. Attempts to help D. Antonius but the emperor is busy in wartime.
Regensburg 25 June 1641
The emperor interested in the universal magnetic horoscope. Is it perpetual motion?
Regensburg 30 July 1641
Fr Kalkofen and the Pole have not arrived. Trouble getting the magnetic novelty to work. Fr Eucharius’s money troubles.
Ebersdorf 2 October 1642
Has payment arrived? The Aeolian fish no longer works, a pity it was an old one. The Luciferan stone very welcome, and any other curiosities will be gratefully received.
Poszony 19 May 1644
The emperor liked the book, please publish and dedicate it to his son. Any news of the Philippines earthquake? Fr Jodovicus’s aquatic clock. Is young Pricklmayer dead or not?
Linz 19 November 1644
Both artifices would please the emperor and he would like them instantly.
Linz 11 December 1644
De Magnete received with pleasure. Fr Cobanius’s crass error about the date of the crucifixion.
Prague 3 February 1645
Gans received the new projector and tried it by mirror and candlelight with no effect. Please send the special lenses. The emperor pleased with Cardinal Pamphilus.
Vienna 24 June 1645
Still unable to get the projector to work: send more instructions. The error of Cobanius.
Linz 28 September 1645
Two messages from the emperor. One: what is known of the book lately discovered in Granada? Two: please do not forget the promised present.
Linz 2 June 1646
Some letters crossed. The emperor’s books expected. Disappointment of the peace terms.
Linz 7 July 1646
Please confirm that payment was sent. The emperor is delighted and satisfied. The error of Cobanius and Salianus on the date of the crucifixion: heresy.
Pozsony 2 October 1646
The emperor on music. More on Fr Kobanius’s mistake about the crucifixion.
Prague 27 November 1647
The emperor read about the hydraulic works: could not the money have been better spent? Please send a copy when it is printed, he would like to read it. Commiserations, hopes for peace.
Vienna 6 February 1649
The emperor is expecting Fr Froberger’s musical box. The Prince of Lichtenstein once had one. Can Kircher help?
Vienna 7 August no year [1649]
The emperor received the musical box and spent two hours with it. Please send written instructions. Payment by New Year. Birth and baptism of prince Karl Josef [1649-1664]: his mother’s death in childbirth.
Vienna 30 April 1650
The emperor wants the Pope’s preface to De Obelisco. Payment for Mundus Subterraneus. The Queen of Sweden. Arrival of the Archduke of Tyrol.
Vienna 18 March 1651
A tremor in Gans’s hand. A gift. The old empress has gone to greet the new one.
Regensburg 13 March 1653
No offence taken or meant over missing lettters. Fr Kedd has sent the description of the comet and lunar eclipse. Congratulations to Fr Schott.
Pozsony 22 March 1655
The emperor pleased to hear about Oedipus Aegyptiacus. One copy requested: suggested dedication. Still no pope elected? [An eighty day conclave elected Alexander VII, 7 April.]
Vienna 1 March 1656
Congratulations on the pension and hosting the queen. The emperor would like Itinerarium Ecstaticum, and quickly. Dedication of Mundus Subterraneus.
Vienna 28 January 1657
Don’t worry about the emperor’s payment. De Obelisco not yet arrived. Gans is getting better and will give the help asked for.
Brussels 7 December 1647
D Petrus Philippus a Bernbach introduced to the Archduke but promotion at court not easy.
Brussels 2 January 1649
The Archduke [Leopold Wilhelm of Austria, 1614-1662] will subsidise Musurgia: arrangements about the money. His picture enclosed.
Dohan, France, 7 April 1649
An engraving of the Archduke commisioned. Permission to publish in Belgium. The imperial organist.
Cambrai 7 July 1649
Permission to print Musurgia applied for.
Crepy-en-Valois 23 September 1649
The frontispiece is enclosed. The plate will follow in the next post.
Crepy-en-Valois 28 September 1649
The engraving of the Archduke enclosed. Importance of sending him several copies, and if possible the Obeliscus and a musical box. The Belgian Jesuits have access to him.
Brussels 30 October 1649
Please confirm that the plate with the portrait of Archduke Leopold arrived safely. A suggested epigram for the frontispiece.
Brussels 27 November 1649
Glad that the plate arrived safely. Eminent people to be given Musurgia as soon as it appears.
Brussels 30 April 1650
The Archduke has deputed distribution of the books to the Jesuits. Should Obeliscus be dedicated to the Pope?
Valenciennes 17 June 1650
The Archduke received Musurgia but could only examine it briefly. No need to worry about the jealousy of the Roman musicians.
Brussels 19 November 1650
Congratulations on meeting the Pope. Perhaps he will subsidise Obeliscus, seeing that his adopted nephew was Kircher’s pupil. The Archduke liked Obeliscus and wants to meet its author to discuss the multilingual idea.
Brussels 5 August 1651
The Archduke is eager to commission a Steganographia and pay for the printing. When will Oedipus Aegyptiacus appear?
Maubeuge 12 October 1651
The Archduke would like a plain guide to the Steganography of Trithemius. The emperor is looking forward to Oedipus Aegyptiacus.
Brussels 8 December 1651
The Steganographia has arrived and will be given to the Archduke. The Knights of Malta are to assemble because of the conversion of the Prince of Lüneburg.
Brussels 8 February 1653
Schega happy to promote Musurgia but his superiors would probably have more influence. A comet observed.
Brussels 1 April 1651
The Archduke has invented a cipher consisting of only four numbers but infinite and inexhaustible. Kircher will easily solve it: please send the answer.
Brussels 6 December 1653
Visit of the Prince of Holland’s nephew, account of the public art gallery. Oedipus eagerly awaited: the Archduke would like the dedication if he lives. The French have recaptured S Menedon. Reported change of government in the new English republic: the Dutch are having second thoughts about peace.
Bouchain 28 July 1655
So Oedipus is in print at last. As soon as the Archduke has a copy he shall be reminded about the publication expenses. Why not give the other copy to the Queen of Sweden when she reaches Rome?
Prague 1 September 1657
Glad to hear that Kircher and his brethren are out of quarantine: hopes that isolation was put to good use on Oedipus. No news about the recall of the Count of Lamberg.
Prague 26 December 1657
The Archduke saw the letters. He is eager to read Mundus Subterraneus and wants to continue the pension. He was also fascinated to hear that the plague is animate. Hoping that the Italian passes will soon clear and the books arrive.
Bischofsteinitz 16 February 1658
Books for the Archduke have not arrived. Kircher’s pension confirmed by the new king [Leopold I, not yet elected emperor].
Vienna 12 October 1658
The king [Leopold I] elected emperor [1 August]: the joy spoiled only by war in Belgium, Italy and Denmark. The books for Archduke Leopold and his confessor may be in Würzburg. Fr Kessel’s belongings ransomed from a sailor.
Vienna 28 December 1658
The books have arrived and been given to the Archduke. Fr Miller will have provided a portrait of the emperor.
Vienna 8 February 1659
The Archduke would like to know when Mundus Subterraneus will appear.
Pozsony 28 November 1659
The account of the journey to Florence was interesting: the Emperor and the Archduke were fascinated.
Vienna 29 January 1661
Events at the Roman College and Novitiate of St Andrew investigated. Schega has arthritis and would like some of the pension as being Kircher’s secretary.
Kinner introduces himself. Request for Kircher’s books.
Praise of Kircher. Gift of a book on mathematics by Kinner at Marci’s urging.
Mathematics insufficiently valued. A mathematical theorem. Greetings from Marci.
The vanity of astrology. Observations of an eclipse. The Secretum Chimicum of Haredorferus.
Two chemical experiments. Recommendation of Dobrzensky.
Request for Oedipus Aegyptiacus and Mundus Subterraneus. Greetings from Marci
An experiment with magnesia or ‘lesser bismuth’. Marci’s Labyrinthus is in press: no doubt he will send Kircher a copy. Congratulations on the election of the new pope [Alexander VII].
Oedipus Aegyptiacus and Mundus Subterraneus still wanted. Bismuth again. An anagram about an astronomical discovery by the son of Christian Huygens.
Iter Ecstaticum. The Queen of Sweden. Kinner now a chaplain of the dowager Empress. Marci recently at court.
No reply from Father Kolowrath. Father Fredericus Jelensigh denies the existence of sunspots in a sermon on the Immaculate Conception.
The new emperor [Leopold I] is to continue Kircher’s subsidy. Congratulations on reading Archduke Leopold’s message. The Archduke Karl was thrilled to hear that Kircher was preparing something for him. Can Kircher get hold of some books from the Duke of Etruria? Request for a microscope. |
The promised invention has not arrived. The Archduke Karl wants it. Kircher on the plague. Schott on microscopes. Mundus Subterraneus still wanted.
The Archduke has received the mathematical organ. Mathematics needs a patron since Ferdinand III died. Marci’s Philosophia is still with the censor as is Mundus Subterraneus. Marci’s hopes for eye surgery, Kinner dubious. The mathematical organ a success.
Kinner has been appointed tutor to Archduke Karl, a good student of mathematics. Kinner and Marci given double doctorates at Prague. Marci’s health failing. Still waiting for Ars Combinatoria and Mundus Subterraneus.
A letter from the Archduke enclosed. The mathematical organ very concise but there are errors in the tables. Kircher’s Diatribe on crosses. Declining educational standards.
Mystery of the tables solved. The Archduke making progress in Arithmetic, Fortifications and Steganography. An old stone inscription from Vienna.
Good to hear the news about Fr Caramuel. A ‘smicroscopium’ requested for 5 crowns. Fear of a Turkish invasion.
A misunderstanding about payment for the microsope. The court has moved to Ebersdorf for safety. The Archduke’s illness and recovery. An instrument to measure humidity.
The microscope and some books gratefully received. The hygrometer has proved to be useless. Death of Archduke Leopold.
Illness and recovery of Archduke Karl. Kircher’s universal language anticipated by Joannes Becherus of Speyer. The Emperor has also been ill and recovered. Continuing danger of a Turkish invasion.
The Archduke is in Ebersdorf for the good of his health. He likes the Polygraphia but a larger index is needed. If only Ferdinand III was alive. More threats from the Turks.
Archduke Karl is dead. Kinner devastated by grief. What of Kircher? Is it true that Mundus Subterraneus has appeared? Kinner is back in Prague where he hopes to end his days. Marci’s powers are failing, and he cannot write because of his eyesight.
Difficulties of retirement and the change of scene. Hopes of getting Mundus Subterraneus. Hornius De Originibus Americanis disparages Kircher and the Jesuits. Kinner has inherited the mathematical organ from the late Archduke. Marci sent copies of his Philosophia to Kircher and Caramuel and is grieved that they did not arrive. A memento of Archduke Karl.
Kircher’s observations of a comet compared with Kinner’s. An experiment by Christian Huygens with mercury in a Torricellian tube.
Kinner’s ill health. Mundus Subterraneus. Kircher has read Marci’s Philosophia, but what about that arcane book he sent him? Thoughts on the Royal Society and Francis Bacon.
The decay of mathematics in Bohemia: Father Schott dead and Marci ailing. Can Kircher read the book Marci sent him?
Mundus Subterraneus and Ars Combinatoria. Death of Moret and loss of his mathematical papers. Promising talents of Sigismundus Bartman. Schott’s last work published at Würzburg: Kinner did not get his material back. Anonymous attack on Mundus Subterraneus by ‘Blauenstein’. Fr Caramuel in Campania.
The bearer of the letter recommended to Kircher: may he see the ‘Museum Gazophilacium’ as sightseeing is the purpose of his journey.
Ebersdorf 15 August 1655
The king [Leopold I, then heir to Ferdinand III] has received Oedipus Aegyptiacus and liked it. He would like a dedication. He had to give his copy to his father who did not have one. Please cultivate the emperor while Miller is out of Vienna tutoring the king. The emperor reminded of the expense of creating Oedipus.
Ebersdorf 14 September 1655
Commemorative coins of the coronation and an effigy of the king enclosed. Cardinal Harrach wants Fr Kedd to send two copies to Prague, one for the Burggraf and one for Marcus Marci.
Prague 29 December 1657
The books for the emperor arrived. The pension is in the works. A male heir to the throne of Spain born.
Frankfurt 27 March 1658
Lobbying to continue Kircher’s pension under the new emperor [Leopold I]. He received the books. Miller proceeding to Cologne.
Neustadt 25 August 1668
Miller has had gout. Hope of securing two years’ funding. The Treasury obstructive: Jesuits ‘think money grows on trees’.
Vienna 24 April 1660
The pension has been arranged. The delay was due to the emperor’s ministers.A new method of determining longitude from a magnetic needle.
Vienna 29 January 1661
Court intrigues: the pension cannot be increased.
Vienna 7 July 1663
Two copies of Polygraphia given to the king and Karl Josef. The emperor was too ill to read his copy but is now out of danger as is Archduke Karl.
Luxembourg 25 April 1665
Mundus Subterraneus and the other books have not reached the emperor except for De Cometa. Not even the chocolate arrived. A new comet: difficulty observing it.
Vienna 6 September 1665
The emperor has received Mundus Subterraneus. The chocolate arrived but not Polygraphia.
Vienna 27 January 1667
Various letters failed to arrive.
Luxembourg 15 May 1667
A see in Spain needs filling. Kircher’s letters reached the emperor only after other recipients. The supposed antidote to snakebite failed a public test.
Vienna 6 November 1667
Wallenstein. The chocolate put to good use: Miller has had none. Death of Cardinal Harrach.
Ebersdorf 26 February 1668
The count of Wallenstein. Fire at the imperial court. No response from the Queen of Spain.
Vienna 20 January 1669
The empress has given birth to a princess.
Vienna 9 March 1669
The emperor favours Kircher but anti-Jesuit intrigues have delayed the pension.
Vienna 27 January, no year
The emperor approached and he should oblige Kircher when the Hungarian rebellion is ended.
Vienna 27 June 1671
The rebellion in Hungary is nearly over and the emperor should oblige Kircher. Troubles of Wallenstein: his hopes for the see of Bratislava.
Vienna 26 July 1671
The letters given to the emperor. Wallenstein losing hope of the see of Bratislava.
Vienna 19 June 1672
A Jesuit made a cardinal. Poland in danger from Turkey. New lobbying for Kircher’s pension.
Ebersdorf 13 October 1672
The Hungarian rebellion. A Swiss called Wertmiller has created a speaking tube for the emperor.
Vienna 30 September 1674
Fr Podesta’s plan for a school of oriental languages approved.
Vienna 9 February 1675
The new medicine cannot be recommended to the emperor until it has been tested. A possible donation to Kircher’s museum.
Vienna 6 October 1675
The emperor liked the bulla. Miller now permanently ill.
Vienna 17 November 1675
Thanks for Arca Noe. Miller ill in bed all the time.