Dee meets Rudolph English Latin

John Dee meets Rudolph II

MS Cotton Appendix XLVI Part I

[f. 227b]

Note Ao 1584
On Wensday the first day of August
at after none (hora 3a) we entred on our journay
toward Prage, in the Kingdome of Beame
whither we cam on thursday sevenight after,
by three of the clok, that is exactly in 8 days.
We cam by Coach, I, E K
and his brother, and Edmond Hilton,
so that we cam to Prage Augusti 9. by
the new Kalendar: but by the old July 30.
Two dayes before August of the old Kalendar.

Miserere nri Deus nr
neque in æternū irascaris nobis
PRAGÆ 1584.
Augusti 15. Wensday, we began on the day of the assumption of the
blessed Virgin Marie: in the excellent little stove, or
study, of D. Hageck his house lent me, by Bethlem in old
Prage, which study seemd in tymes past (ao 1518.) to have b[een]
the Study of a philosopher ‸some student skyllfull of the holy stone:
a name was in divers places of the study, noted in letters [of]
gold & silver, Simon Baccalaureus Pragensis, and among o[ther]
things manifold written very fayrly in the Study (and very many
Hieroglyphical notes Philosophical, in birds, fishes, flowres, fr[uits],
Leaves, and six Vessels, as for the philosophers works) these v[erses]
wer over the door. Immortale Decus per gloriaꝗ illi debentur
cuius ab ingenio est discolor hic paries.
and of the Philosophers work (on the south-side of the study) in th[ree]
lines, vppermost was this written.
Candida si rubeo mulier nupta sit marito: Mox complectuntur, C[om]
plexa concipiuntur. Per se soluuntur, per se quandoꝗ perficiuntur: Vt du[o]
quæ fuerant, Vnum in Corpore fiant. Sunt duæ res primo: Sol cu[m]
Luna, tamen in ymo, Confice, videbis, fit ab hijs lapis quoꝗ Rebis
Lunæ potentatu, peregit Sol Rebis actu + Sol adit Lunam per medium (א ꝑ ☿)
rem facit vnam. Sol tendit velum, transit ꝑ ecliptica Celum: Currit vbi Luna recurrit
hunc denuo sublima. Vt sibi Lux detur, in sole quæ retinetur. Nec abijt vere, sed vult
ipi cōmanere: illustrans certe defunctum corpus aperte: Si Rebis scires, quid esset tu
reperires. Hæc ars est cara, breuis, leuis atque rara. Ars nra est Ludus pudoꝝ, Labor multorū
oes folij artis huius, quod nemo pt colligere fructus nri Elixiris, nisi ꝑ introitum nri Lapidis Ele-
mentati, et si aliam viā quærit, viam nunquā intrabit nec attinget. Rubigo est Opus, quod fit
ex solo auro, dum intraverit in suam humiditatem. and so it ended.

MS Cotton Appendix XLVI Part II

[f. 1a]

Mysteriorum Pragensium
Liber Primus, Cæsareüsque, Ao 1584.
stylo novo
Augusti 15. Incoeptus:
ad Omnipotentis Dei
Laudem, honorē, &
Δ – Fieri pt, quod anni 1588, et alioꝝ supputatio, initium suum habent ab ipa Die
Passionis Chri vel Ascensionis in Cælū. Atꝗ hac roe: 33, vel 34
Nota anni plures considerari debent: quia tot annoꝝ Christus erat tempore suæ
De Anno passionis vel ascensionis: Addas igitur annis 1588, 34: et inde
88. emergunt Anni 1622. Atꝗ iste numerus proprius accedit ad tempus
annoꝝ diluuij et Arcæ, cuius similitudinē fore circa secundum
Chri aduentum Scripturæ docent:
Vel, cum post creatum Adamū, Anno Mundi 1655, Diluuiū Aquæ, oia deleuerit Viuentia:
Post Christi, (nri Adami spiritualis, restitutionē in Cælū Ao 1655 (qui erit ao 1688 expectamus
Diluviū ignis; quo oia sunt Immutanda: Vel Charitatis & ardoris Christiani magnum futurum specimen.

Non faciet Dominus DEVS Verbum, nisi revelaverit Secretum suum
ad servos suos, prophetas. Leo rugiet, quis non timebit?
Dominus Deus locutus est: Quis non prophetabit?
Amos, Cap. 3.B.

Nihil mali invenimus in hne isto: Quid si spiritus locutus est ei, aut Angelus?
Act. Apost. Cap. 23. C.

Dico enim vobis, quod multi prophetæ, et Reges voluerunt videre, quæ
vos videtis, et non viderunt: et audire, quæ auditis, et non audierunt.
Lucæ 10. E. Matthei 13. b.

Charissimi, nolite omni Spiritui credere: sed probate spiritus si ex Deo sint:
quoniam multi pseudoprophetæ, exierunt in mundum. In hoc cognoscitur
sprs Dei. Omnis sprs qui confitetur Jesum Chrm in carne venisse,
ex Deo est. &c. Joes Epistola 1a. cap. 4. A.
Quisquis confessus fuerit, quoniā Jesus est filius Dei, Deus in eo manet, et
ipe in Deo &c. Cap. eodem C.
Liber 199

[A True and Faithful Relation p. 213-4]

Paulus ad Corinthios, Epistola, 1 Cap. 1. b.
Gratias ago Deo meo semper pro vobis, in gratia Dei, quæ data est vobis in Christo Jesu, quod in omnibus divites facti estis in illo, in omni verbo & omni scientia (sicut testimonium Christi confirmatum est in vobis) ita ut nihil vobis desit in ulla gratia, Expectantibus revelationem Domini nostri Jesu Christi, qui & confirmabit vos usque in finem sine crimine, in die Adventus domini nostri Jesu Christi. Fidelis Deus per quem vocati estis in Societatem Filii ejus Jesu Christi Domini nostri, &c.
Δ. Noto Revelationem & adventum Christi secundum: deinde confirmationem quæ respicit alium adhuc finem temporis: unde de Regno Christi hic in terris, secundum Joannis Apocalypsim, videri possit hic locus aliquem præbere gustum, &c.
Paulus ad Corinthios, Epist. 1 cap. 1. D.
Quæ stulta sunt mundi, elegit Deus, ut confundat sapientes: & infirma mundi elegit Deus ut condfundant fortia: & ignobilia mundi, & contemptibilia elegit Deus, & ea quæ non sunt ut ea quæ sunt destrueret, ut non glorietur omnis caro in conspectu ejus. Ex ipso autem vos estis in Christo Jesu, que factus est nobis sapientia a Deo, & Justitia, & Sanctificatio & Redemptio. Ut, quemadmodum scriptum est. Qui gloriatur, in Domino glorietur.
Paulus ad Corinthios, Epist. 1. cap. 2. C.
Nobis autem revelat Deus per Spiritum suum: Spiritus enim omnia seruatur, etiam profunda Dei, &c. Vide præcedentia & sequentia in eodem capite.

[f. 2a]

Ao. 1584: Pragæ. Prima Actio
Wensday: Augusti 15. mane horam circiter 9am.
Δ We thanked God for his safe bringing vs hither, to the place appointed by him:
We desired him to direct vs, as the rest of our Action requireth: And thirdly, for the
boke with syluer leaues, to be prepared, we required instruction, as we were promised.
Anon after E K his loking into the shew stone, he sayde, I see a garland of white rose-buds
abowt the border of the stone: They be well opened, but not full oute.
Δ – The great mercies of God be vppon us: and we beseche him to encrease our faith in him, according to
his well liking
E K – Amen.
E K – But while I consider these budds better, they seeme rather to be white Lillyes
Δ – The æternall God of his inifinite mercies, wipe away our blackness and synns, and make vs pure
and whiter than snow.
E K – They are 72 in number: seming with theyr heds (alternatim) one to bend or hang toward
me, and another toward you. They seme also to move circularly, toward the East: but very slowly.
In the myddst of this Circle appeareth a little
fyre, of the cullor of yern, white, redy to melt. from which fyre to euery one of the sayd lillyes, is a
firie beame extended: which beame toward the end, is of more whitish fyry cullor, then it is nere
the center
A voyce – E K – A voyce cometh shoting out, from the lillyes, saying, Holy, Holy, Holy:
and all the lillies are become on fyre; and seme to tumble in that fyre,
And now they appeare again distinctly, as before: And the fyre remayned
in the Centre still: and the Emanation of beames, came from it, still
to the foresayd lilly buds.
E K – I heare a sownd, as though it were of many waters, powred or
streaming down in the clyfts of great rocks and mowntayns: The
noyse is mervaylous great, which I here comming throwgh the stone:
as it were of a thowsand water⁀mylls going to gether.
A voyce – Est.
A voyce – Et quomodo est?
A voyce – Male, et in summo: et Mensuratum est.
E K – I here a great roaring, as if it were out of a clowde, over ones hed: most
Perfectly, like a thunder.
Another voyce – The seal is broken.
An other – Powre out the sixth Viol: that the earth may know her self.
Δ These are the dayes of wo, that are spoken of.
Vide Apocalypseos
Cap. 16 sed vide
tur quod non sequuntur
ordine, veluti quis
ex terra iudicaret.
Ast nō asseritr
etiā si sæpe et
olim vindictum
requirebant illi
E K – Now I see beyond like fornace mowth, as big as 4 or 5 gates of a Citie. It
seemeth to be a quarter of a myle of. out of the fornace mowth seemeth a mervaylous smoke
or smother to come. By it semeth to be a great lake of pitch: and it playeth or
simpreth, as water doth, when it begynneth to seath.
There standeth by the pyt, a white man, in a white garment tucked vp: his face is mervaylous
fayre; he sayeth very lowd.
A white
E K – Now there commeth out of the lake, a thing like a lyon in the hinder partes; and his
fore part hath many heds, of diverse fashions: and all vppon one trunk of a neck. He
hath like feathers on his neck. He hath 7 heads: Three on one side, and three on an other,
and one in the middle: which branche from the neck is longer than the other, and lyeth backward
to his tayle ward.
The white man giveth him a bluddy sword: and he taketh it in his fore fote.
The white man tyeth this monster his 4 leggs with a chayn, that he can not go, but as
one shakled, or fettred.
Now he giueth the monster a great hammer, with a seale at that ende where the hammer striketh,
and the other ende is fashioned like a hatchet.
The white
man sayd
A horrible and terrible beast – E K – This the white man sayd with a lowd crye.
A voyce, out
of the little
Seale him, for two yeres of the seven: For, so long in his powre.
The stars, with the earth, euen to the third part, are given vnto the: The fowrth part
thow shalt leave vntouched.
E K- The white man taketh the hammer, and striketh him in the forhed of that hed
which is in the myddle, and lyeth down backward toward his tayle.
E K – Now all this vision, is vanished awaye. The Stone is clear.

E K – Now Madimi appeareth, and she seameth to be bigger then she was.
Madimi The blessing of God, the Father, the Sonne and (in the Father and the Sonne) of the Holy Ghost,
in powre and comfort rest vppon you, take hold of you, and dwell with you, that you
may be apt to receyve the comfort of my childishnes: and the reward of such Innocence, as
my voyce beareth witnes of.
You both, the Spirit of God, Salute you Which allwayes comforteth the Iust, and in
the strength and stay of such as are Elected: of whom it is sayd

[f. 2b]

Mad –

Mittam illis Angelum, in Adiutorium.
Δ Are you Madimi (in the name of Jesus) that I may so Note of you?
Mad – I am MADIMI, and of that ordre, wherein the wonders of God are wrowght with Powre:
with you, as my words are: with my self, as my Creation is.
Madimi est ex
ordine potestatum
vide 26 Iunij
LO, as I haue often promised you, so in the tyme of your Necessitie and greif, I visit you.
Δ – Thanks be to the highest.
Mad – Not as the frendes of the world do, but as a Comforting spirit: exalting the servants of God:
and cherishing them with cælestiall fode.
Mater Madimi
But my Mother is at hand, which openeth vnto the, the will of God.
Beleue me, many are the woes of the world, and great are the sorows that are to come.
The Rainbow
Apocalyps .4.
For the Lord prepareth his rayn bow, and the witnesses of his accownt: and will
appeare in the hevens to finish all things: and the tyme is not long.
Faith shall
hardly be
fownd one the
Blessed are those, that beleue; for faith shall flee from the Earth, and her dwelling places
shall be in caues, and vnknown mowntaynes, and in partes of the Earth, which the Lord hath
kept secret for such as shall triumph, and rejoyce in the Judgmēt to come.
1. Wo be to women great with childe, for they shall bring forth Monsters.
2. Wo be vnto the Kings of the Erth for they shall be beaten in a mortar.
3. Wo be vnto such as paynt them selues, and are like vnto the Prince of pride
for they shall drink the blud of theyr neyghbors, and of theyr own chyldren
4. Wo be vnto the fals preachers, yea seven woes be vnto them, for they are the teeth
of the Beast.
He that hath eares, let him heare
5. Wo be vnto the Virgins of the Earth, for they shall disdayne theyr Virginitie
and they shall become Concubines for Sathan, and despise the God of Righteousnes.
6. Wo be vnto the Merchants of the erth, for they are become abhominable
Beholde they are become the spies of the earth, and the daynty meat of kings. But
they are foolish: yea, they shall fall into the pytt that they haue digged for others.
7. Wo be vnto the bokes of the earth, for they are corrupted; and are become a wrasting
stock, and fyrebrand to the conscience.
Mater Madimi.
Stay a season, for my Mother commeth.

Δ We red ouer the premisses, and so conferred of the verity and wayght of them.
And all this while Madimi stode still, in E K his sight.
But bycause we were willed to stay, I moved no question: but wished to
haue some vnderstanding, how my wife and children (at Cracouia) did.
Herevppon, Madimi sayd as followeth.
Mad – Here what I say vnto the. Δ The King of Darknes whetteth his teeth agaynst the:
and rampeth with great rage to overwhelme the world vppon the: And he
seeketh the destruction of thy howshold, and thereby thy overthrow: The life
of thy children: yea, he tempteth they wife with dispayre, and to be
My wife tempted
To despayre her
violent vnto her self.
[Δ – Why, with dispayre ?]
But his lipps are sealed, and his claws made dull: that when he wold byte he
can not: And where he skratcheth the blud followeth not.
My frende
But heare what thy frende sayeth vnto the: Both in her self, and by him that
moveth her to speake, as thow art the servant of the god of victory, so
This name of
God is in the
16th principall
Call, begynning
Ils vindal prt
Salman Balt.
shalt thow triumph in the God of stretch forth and conquer. Δ א Madzilodarp
Thy wife, thy children, thy servants, and more then that, such as fauor
the, euen the couerings of thy howse, are vnder the protection and defence
of such as are of powre: against whom, neyther the rage of such as raygn,
neyther the fury of Authoritie (though it hath the help of Sathan) can
Sathan his
insinuation to
be taken hede of
prevayle. for why? God hath care ouer the: But thy Faith
is somewhat lower. Take hede of Sathan, he will ioyne him self vnto the:
But beware of him.
For, synne kepeth back the powre of God: which is often tymes deferred for an other
season: Yea, euen for the wyckednes of one sowle.
Lasky I loke for but I see not: Behold, I wrast my eyes after him, and
Can not fynde him. Peraduenture he hath hyd him self, behynde some mowntain
or is crept into a Caue: for he appeareth not.
Δ – I beseche you, what is the cause thereof? ys he not gon from Cracouia?
Mad Synn is the greatest mowntayn: and he reioyceth, when he pleaseth him self: and
in the fury of his flesh, creepeth into a Caue from vs.
Lo, I loke for him, and can not see him, yet see all the world oure.
It is a signe that God is not with him.
Δ – I beseche you, is he not gon from Cracouia yet?
I tell the, I see him not; I can say nothing of hem.
Δ – Lord, our Comming hither, was to come with him.
Mad – Therfore browght I the hither, that thow sholdest not tarry with him.

[f. 3a]

Knowest thou not, that God is mervaylous in his works? Hast thow not herd of his secret
judgments? yf thow hast, Think, he hath care ouer the.
My Wife
and howshold
must be mou
ed to Prage
For allso, thy wife and children, and the rest of thy howshold; must be moued hither.
Δ – When, I beseche you?
Mad – Let that, be my charge, to answer the.

E K – Now here appeareth a little fyre, like the same which appeared before: but
it hath no beames from it, as it had before.
Mad – Hic, et hæc, est Mater mea.
Mater Ma-
E K – She falleth down on her face prostrate: Now she riseth again. This
fyre entreth into her mowth, she is waxen of higher stature, then she was:
she hath now Three faces.
Δ – Now it is the vertue of the Trinitie, in her, so represented.
Mad – I. And I have a few things to say, and I say.
E K – I here a mervaylous noyse, as of many mowntayns falling.
Mad. – Arrise, and beleue.
The tyme is come, that of the folish I will make the wise
And of such as are sinfull men, my annoynted: Yf they encline theyr
eare vnto my voyce.
E K – The Noyse is mervaylous: And which of the mowths doth speak, I can
not discerne.
Mad – First thow shalt write vnto Rodulphus, as I shall enspire the.
Then, shalt thow go vnto him, saying, That the Angel of the Lord
hath appeared vnto the. —-[E K A great noyse still.] and rebu
keth him for his synns.
[E K – I never herd any such noyse: it is as if half the world were rushing
down an hill.]
E K spake not
this or I
omitted to
write it
at the first
Mad – Yf he heare the: Then say vnto him, He shall Triumphe.
Fear the not.
If he heare the not Say,that, The Lord, the God that made heven
and earth, (under whom he breatheth, and hath his spirit) putteth his
fote against his brest. [E K, a great Noyse still] And will
throw him hedlong from his seat.
Lo, thus (I sweare vnto the) I will do. Yf he forsake his wickednes,
Dei Juramentū
et pactū cū Δ,
de R.
and turn vnto me, His seat shal be the greatest that euer
was: and the diuell shall become his prisoner.
E K – There cam great flashes of fyre out of her, and so out of the stone
and suddenly she was in her former shape agayne.
Δ – In the name of Jesus,
Mad – Where, this voyce entreth, No man hath to say
For it is the Begynning: so it is Lykewise the Ende.
Therfore Enquyre not any more now, but cease:
The mer=
vaylous be=
gynning of
this last
For this is the Mervaylous begynning of this last tyme.
Δ – All thanks, Laude, honor, Glory, and Empire
be to the æternal, Omnipotent, and
our onely God of heuen and Erth

Aug. 16

[f. 3b]

1584. ( 5 +
Augusti 16
Thursday, Mane, circiter horam 8 ⅔
Δ – Precibus finitis, I propownded as concerning the boke to be prepared for the Angelicall
writing &c. And bycause Mapsama had delt abowt that point, Therfore I
required at God his hands, the ministerie of Mapsama herein: yf it were his will∴
E K – Here is Madimi.
Δ – Blessed be the God of heven and earth, who regardeth the sincere intent of his silly ones.
Mad – When seed tyme is past, who soweth his corn? Or what is he amongst men that calleth back the sunne
a mynute?
So may it be sayd of you, which were slak in sowing, and therfore haue let pass the benefit of tyme,
wherein your seed might haue multiplyed.
Behold, your labors are in vayne, in respect of that you might have receyved.
For August is past, with you, the first day: And Mapsama wanteth: Not by him self, but
throwgh your negligence: Whose fingers wrowght, and made an ende of an others work: which
was tyed to time.
NALVAGE was beaten back from you: But you consider not his conflict, neyther thank God for that
he hath finished for you: With whom, now, you have no powre.
For the Receyuer and Giver for that tyme, were of time.
A paper boke
to be prepared
But to the extent, that the Heuens may agree, (bycause they are the light of him,
which is the light of his father) I say vnto the that thow must prepare, of fayre
and decent paper, a boke: To the entent, that the paper it self, may bear witnes against
you: and receyue that, which shold haue byn printed in Gold.
Δ – God he knoweth, and the heuens, that I did the best I could, to haue had the boke syluered.
Mad – It is so: I will bear witnes with the.
But where the watchmen slepe, and do not theyr duty, Theft taketh place: and the enemyes
make hauok.


A. L. dowted
of Δ his faith:
and laughed God
to skorne.
The synns of Lasky, are not a few: yea, they are such as haue browght in the Prince of
thieves, which had prevayled, But God was watchman at the inner doors.
For, he dowted of thy faith, and laughed God to skorn.
But heare the voyce of him that sitteth,
Leapers and defyled people vse not to carve, at a kings table: for when his karvers
become leapers, they are not: by cause they are expelled.
Euen so, into my Chambers, and secret Judgments, entreth not the Incredulous, Prowd, and
skornfull synners suꝑ, Julij 23:
But bycause he became worse then a Leaper, I banished him out of my Chambers, for I am
more then a king.
Dei Jusiurandū
ad Dee pro A.L.
Notwithstanding bycause I have sworne vnto the, for him, I will suffer him to be
exalted: But in the myddst of his Triumph he shall fall: as a prowde Tree doth, whose
rootes are vncertayne
Dei suꝑ Δ, cū
Imperatore Rod.
And bycause thow hast belieued me, and hast not Murmured against me, I will be Just
with the, And with this Emperor, shall be thy aboad.
And throwgh thy mowth shall spring a Cedar-Tree, whose top shall towche the Moone
Prophetia de Δ
and branches couer the beasts of the fielde, the byrds of the Ayre; yea, and a part of
the seas.
Bycause thow hast taken paynes for me, I will deal iustly with the, and reward the.
The sons of wickednes are prowde, bycause of theyr promotions: are stowt, bycause of
theyr kingdoms and dominions: But they must fall, bycause theyr building doth
Matthei 7.D.
stand on sand.
Do my commandment: Be not affrayde.
New lessons.
New bokes.
For I haue new lessons to teache the, and new bokes to open, such as have byn sealed
in the wildernes.
E K – She is gone.
Δ – As concerning the letter to be written to Rodolphus, ô Lord, I wolde gladly know
the Argument: and when I shold send it.
A voyce Incipienti, dabitur. – Δ – I vnderstand this thus: That, when I begyn to write, it
Shall be, inspired from God: as was sayd befor.
A voyce Cease.
Δ – Deo nro Immortali, Invisibili, & Omnipotenti, sit
ois honor, Laus & Gloria: Nunc & semper.

Aug. 17

[f. 4a]

Augusti 17.
Friday – Mane-
Δ – Bycause I wold make no delay, for the Letter writing to the Emperor
Rodolphus, I framed my self to write, beseching God that I might so write
as might be sufficient for the purpose, etc. And thus I wrote as followeth.
Ne dicas corā
Angelo, Non
Est Prouidentia
Ecclesiastes Cap.
Omnipotentis nri Creatoris (Christianorū oiu Imperatorū foelicissime, ô Rudolphe)
tam est hominibus incognita illa, quæ cuncta disponit perficitꝗ PROVIDENTIÁ,
rataꝗ ipsa rerum series et coördinatio (à primo ad ultimum) quòd à plerisꝗ,
temerè, fortuito, vel casu, hoc illoue euenire modo, existimentur omnia, quæ
extra præterve suorum consiliorū designationes, fieri conspiciant. Verùm quibus
est mens diuinæ veritatis lumine collustrata, et ad multiplices longisꝗ intervallis
distinctas rerum consecutiones considerandas, attentior, evidentissimè deprehendent
illi quidem, Quæ, quibus præcurrisse, tanꝗā causas, occasionesꝗ necessarias, alio priori,
et interdum longe diversissimo, tempore, oportuerat. Atꝗ vt varietatem nunc omittam
exemplorum, (quæ, ex aliorum hoiu inter se collatis vitis, conditionib9, factisꝗ
adferre possim,) Exemplum satis conspicuum hoc vnicum fieri possit: Nimirum
illa, (incredibilis ferè) quæ inter sacram Cæsaream Matem vram, et humillimum
(in Deo) Mancipium me vestrum (ex multiplicibus vtrinꝗ præcurrentibus oc=
casionib9) iam quasi instare videtur, In vnum (idemꝗ admirandum quid)
Combinatio, Diuinaꝗ Conspiratio. Ambiverunt me (Juvenem) Illustris
simi Imperatores duo: Victoriosissimus ille Carolus Quintus, et eiusdem
frater Ferdinandus, vestræ Cæsareæ Matis Avus. Hic, Posonij,
Hungariæ: ille verò, Bruxellæ, Brabantiæ. Hic, anno 1563: Ille autem,
Anno 1549. Ast clementissimū Imperatorē Maximilianū, Cæsareæ Vræ
Matis patrem (Immortali gloria dignum) iam tum Hungariæ coronatum
Regem, (invitissimo quidem ipo Tyranno Turcico.) eodem in Posonio, eodemꝗ
Anno 63, in delicijs habere coepi: illiusꝗ rarissimas virtutes, cum fideliter
colere, tum posteritati easdem reddere commendatissimas, opere quodam conabar
Hieroglyphico. Quo etiam in labore exantlando, animus mihi præfugiebat,
libelli Monadis
theoremate 20,
iam ante 20
annos editi
Austriacæ familiæ, alium fore aliquando aliquem, in quo maxīa mea
spes, et publico Christianorū statui, Res, confirmaretur, (vel confirmari
poterit,) Optima, Maximaꝗ: Vestræ igitur Cæsareæ Mati, Imperatorum
Romanorum (ex Austricorū Principum nobilissima familia) mea ætate floren
tium, QVARTO: Adsum, et ego, Triplicis Alphabeti Litera Quarta*.
Atque ita adsum, vt me ipm ad pedes Cæsareæ Matis v demisse osculandos
offeram: plurimùm gauisurus, si qua in re, Christianæ Reipublicæ Im=
peratori tanto, talisꝗ, gratus, vtilisve esse potero.
Vestræ sacræ Cæsareæ Maiestati, soli, si hæc
aliquandiu constare patiemini (neminiꝗ detegere
velitis) rem facietis valdè necessariam.
Superscriptio erat hæc.
Serenissimo ac potentisso Principi ac Domino Pragæ. Ao. 1584. Augusti 17.
Domino Rudolpho, Dei Gratia Romanorū Im- Cæsareæ Mati V
peratori semper Augusto, ac Germaniæ Hungariæ, Bohemiæ, &c Humillimus et fideliss9
Regi, Arciduci Austriæ, Duci Burgundiæ Stiriæ Carinthiæ &c Clientulus
Comiti Tyrolis &c Domino meo clementissimo. Joannes Dee

[f. 4b]

Augusti 20.
Monday Mane circa horā 7ā
Δ Præcibus ad Deum fusis, ex more nro &c.
1. I propownded: yf the letter written for Rodolphus, were as it shold be:
2. Secondly, bycause we were willed to invite the good Angels, for the boke writing
I asked, how we shold invite them.
3. As concerning our wives, and my familie sending for: I required, when that
shold be done
Δ – Quickly Apparition was made
E K – Here is Vriel
Δ – Welcome be the light of the highest.
VRIEL Wo be vnto the world: for her light is taken away.
Wo, Wo be vnto men, for the eye of light hath forsaken him.
Wo, Wo be to the vnderstanding of men, for it is led out, with a Threefold
* aliquid
Deest forte
The spirit of Pride
Spirit, * the spirit of error and ignorance
This Testimo=
To be beleued
Vppon great
And Wo be vnto such as beleue not the glorious and supereminent light of
this Testimonie
For they are not written with the life, neyther shall theyr portion ‸be wth the Liuing
Thus sayth he that is a mere⁀stoane (which sitteth betwene the seat of light
and darknes) whose wyngs are great, and more than mighty: wherwith
he gathereth the sterrs, and the powres that hang vppon the firmament,
of the first and lesser light: placing them and powring them, in the spirit
of Truth; and throwgh his own powre, the powre of the word, whereby
all things are, and are comprehended: in that he is as well in the
heuens of Glory, Chastitie, and Message, as allso in places vnknown
to vs:
Behold, those that dig into Nature, with dull Mattocks,and dull spades,
are such, as of euery congeled substance can imagin, but not judge:
are foolish, and of the world; whose imaginations, are become the instruments
of vanitie, and the percers of him which is the father of Ignorance.
Wo be vnto them, for theyr Disputations and doctrines, are dogmas, and dull.
Wo Wo vnto them; for they are such as please them selues, and are become
fathers to many lewd children: of whome it is written,
They are become stiffnecked and prowde, and the followers of their father
Therfore have I gathered my self to gither, and am hidden from them.
bycause they are prowde and haters of Innocency.
These teach not vnto you a doctrine, Neyther are you Partakers of theyr Bankets
For the Spirit of God, is playne, pure, and most perfect.
These breath not vppon you: neyther are the Ornaments of your Garlands
God to vs is the
Discloser of his
own secrets
enterlaced by these: But by him are you lifted vp, that is the God
of Justice, and the Discloser of his own secrets: and the Hedlong drawer
of things to an ende.
Therfore Beleue, and Dream not with the world: For the world shall
perish; and all her adherents: and shall be cast into the pyt of wo euerlasting
Read the Scriptures, and vnderstand them: But wrast them not, wth the wycked
Loke into the Simplicitie, and Nakednes of God his promisse:
Vew the Innocency of some that receyved them:
And let not the wyckedness of those that the Lord made vertuous, go out of yor
But so Triumpheth true powre, so gathereth he him self to gither to ‸discomfit discomfort
the Serpent.
Of the lightest, he maketh the hevyest, and of the weakest the strongest:
And in the weakest vessells, worketh he his mercy.
And why?

[f. 5a]

And why?
Behold, lest the world, in her prowde Imaginations, in the ornaments of
her perls, and most pretious wits, shold brag, saying
I can compare with the Lorde.
Heare my voyce, for it is of God.
The world bringeth forth no good thing: Neyther are the doings of man
accepted; but where the spirit of humilitie dwelleth
Out of the depth of darknes, hath God made light: And lo, the light is great
and the darknes comprehendeth it not.
So, in the weakest will he be exalted.
Vriel hath
a towre to
buyld &c
The Spirit that speaketh vnto you, is he that hath a Towre to build;
a strong Towre and a mighty. yea such an one, as hath not byn
from the begynning: No, not from the begynning.
Great is the foundation therof; for, it is of Iron.
But greater are her walls: for, they are of Diamond
Most great are her Turrets; for they are the seven heds, that behold,
iudge and gather: And they are made of Truth; the Spirit
of æternitie.
Δ and E K: Vnto the laying of euery stone, are you made priuie
And for this Towre are you prouided.
spus sanctus
1. For Lo, the first hath appeared, and shewed him self mightyly
2. And the Second hath redemed, and ouercome Sathan.
3. And Lo, the third appeareath, and shall visibly shew the Powre of God
to all Nations.
Desolatio, de
a Propheta
loquutus est
Apocalyps. Cap. 18. F.
For Now cometh the Desolation of the World, And the fall
of her Pride.
And this is the last Rod that measureth: and shal be broken:
for, it is sayd,
Cap. 6.
Now, will I heare you from vnder the * Alter.
Now, will I revenge the blud of your brethren.
O you Ignorant and of weak faith: know you not the tymes that
are to come?
O you that spit out the meat of Cumfort: yea when it is put lovingly
into your mowths.
Why are you sorrowfull: Why reioyce you not, that the God of
Justice is gyrded, and hath whetted his sword, vppon a Thousand
Thousand mowntaynes of fyre?
Why laugh you not the world to skorn? and deride her fornication?
Weepe not vpon her: for she is accursed:
Tempus est
Tacendi et Tem=
pus est loquendi;
veluti de transfi
guratione Christi
Matt. 17 B
Marc. 9. B
Luc. 9. B.
Et proprie
Matthei Cap. 10 C
Quod in aure audi
Etis prædicate
Suꝑ tecta &c
Luc 12
* Joël, Cap. 3
Neyther wonder at her; for she will be more wonderfull.
You haue receyued this Doctrine in Chambers, and in secret
places: But it shall stand in the great Citie: and vppon
7 Hills: and shall establish her self in truth: purifie the
walls, and swepe out the dust and Copwebs (the works
of the venemous) that it may be cast into the River, and browght
into no remembrance.
Yea, it shal sit in Jo*saphat, in Judgment, against the wicked:
and shall become a fyre engendred in the cave of Thunders.
Therfore, When you are commaunded, Lift up your heds, and
Feare not
feare not: for whom, the Heavens shall fight.
But in your selues, be Patient, and Continue to the ende: That
your Crowns may excede the Garlands of the Erth.
Thus sayeth

[f. 5b]

Thus sayeth the Lord.
*Promise of
for the
48 greate
Calls, and
the Holy
boke writing
and practysing.
shall be.
Lo, I haue promised the, that my Angel shall vi*set the: And so it
But, yf I now visit the, Thus will the world say hereafter;
Lo, he hath fayned a Doctrine for him self.
Lo he excelleth in subtiltie.
et in loco
When I gaue my Laws, they were not secret
Neyther was the place vnsanctified.
Euertio ꝑ
Spm sanctū
Epist. Pauli
ad Thess. secūda
cap. 2.
When the Comforter commeth, gyrdeth him self agaynst the sonne of
Wyckednes, Then must you be known, and seen vnto the Earth.
But I will give the the Choyce
An Election,
or Choyce,
offred to Δ
Chuse therfore, whether thow wilt banket Now: bycause I haue
promised the.
Or tarry, till I see the tyme more convenient.
For lo, yf Rodolph harken vnto my voyce,
He shall wonder, and reioyce with the:
And I will exalt him, above the Kings of the earth.
Stay a While: I come agayne.
Δ – After we

[f. 6a]

Δ – After we had stayed a while, and red over the premisses
& talked of the mar of the Choyce or Election offred: & the
dealing wth Rudolph. we thowght good to beseche
god to regard his promise, for his glory and honor
& we most humbly to thank him that he wold offer a
choyce to me, a man of no worthynes, nor wisdom:&
therfore most desyrous to be entred spedyly into the schole
of wisdom, wherein we might grow, & attend the
opportunities, of any thing to be done or sayd by us.
So that (if it wer his will) we were & are desyrous
now to be visited, as his most merciful promys importeth.
– E K – Now Vriel is here; he hath a chayre, and is
set down in it: it is like a Throne..
A Vision
Here I see a green Hill: & I see theron three men, like lerned
men: in gownes of puke cullor: they have hatts on theyr
Vriel hath in his hand a thing like a rolling pynne
(of half an ell long,) of golde.
The Garden
of Cumfort
I see beyond the men, a very fayr park,
enclosed with pale, pyked, &c
I see roses and lillyes, and goodly flowres in one part of it
and fayre ronning waters in it, & little hylls
and all mar of byrds: and in the myddle of the
park, is a turret & in the top of that, a rownd
thyng like a stone, which giveth light all the park
over: but without the park pale, it is duskish or dark
These three men stand together vppon the pitch of the bank
of the hill that goeth down toward
There appere three diuers fayr wayes, to the Park, two from
the hyll where the men stand, & one from the place
about Vriel.
1. I see one man walk in the Park: & he pycketh flowres &
putting them to his mowth, they smoke, as the smoke of
the snuffe of a candell when the candell is put out.
2. I see likewise an other man gathering of flowres there,
& he wold put the flowres to make them stik on his Coat
but they will not hang on but fall down, it is so bare.
3. I see a third man, who hath his robes all belayed with lace
of gold, great & small, & diuers pretious stones
& on his hed a wreath like a garland very broad
beset with very bewtiful pretious stones: & he tryeth
him self all over with the flowres of the park or garden,
Now the three men are come from the hill, before Vriel
his seat:
of these men
– I most humbly beseche you that I may haue
acces into the garden of Cumfort.
Vriel – You shall: I am contented.

[f. 7a]

E K Now they three go toward the garden of cumfort: they
point one to an other, & seme to talk one with an other
They go in the path which leadeth from him toward the park.
Vriel – These are Wise men, for they shall scape the danger
he meaneth
of the first &
second which
gathereth flowers
and of the
of the first & the second, & shall liue as the third
in cumfort and pleasure.
For behold, Those which haue entred, and now shall enter
have deserued theyr reward.
Respice finem
But some there be that enter, & respect not the end
.1. and such shall they be as he is, which defyleth the flowres.
E K – Now here com̄eth a man frō the parkward,
and meteth those three men & giueth them three very
rich garments: they put of theyr former garments, &
put on those rich & bewtiful garments,
Vriel – Other some there be, and go the middle way, bycause
.2. it is the next & straightest, & those be such as enter
with theyr own ornaments, which are very poor & bare
& vppon whose garments can hang no pleasure.
.3. Some there are that enter from me (for without
me none entreth into that garden) and bycause
Note. Causa
sine qua non.
et proxīa
et propria, vt
differunt hic.
I am the light of him that lighteth, by Creation, therfor[e]
is there a way perfect, & beareth testimony from
me, wherby they are thowght worthy, & are
apparayled for that place of pleasure, & so worthyly enter.
Lo they enrych them selues, being made rich with the
bewty of so pleasant flowres: & they allways
drink of the water of wisdom to theyr cumfort &
continuance. Blessed is he that so entreth.
Three men: all worthy to enter: but only one hath the propre Testimonie
The Garden
of Cumfort
and Wisdom
in his
Three men
going to
Vriel from
this hill
worthy to enter wth
A defyler
of the flowres
He that defyleth the flowres, was worthy to enter into our
garden: but bycause he cam not hither to my throne
The Garden
of Wisdome.
and so toke the way descending from the hill: ‸to me and browght
into the garden of wisdom, his worldly apparayl; which,
to, is allways as a myst between him and true
wisdom, yet he thinketh him self satisfied.
He whose coat is bare, was also worthy:
But bycause he thowght him self worthy, & visited not
my seat, he took the myddle way, where are no
ornaments: Therfore he browght in his own nakednes

[f. 8a]

which is so thredbare, that the flowres fall off it, as from a
marble stone, as the waters glydeth of it, as from the
back of a falcon.
Behold, I Sitt: happy are those, that come vnto me.
Lo, you see, you may become wise; with the Cloudy,
Thre manner
of wise men
wise with the bare, and wise with those
that are advanced, and dwell in true wisdom.
Fury and
¶ The Gate that thou shalt enter into, is a fyre of fury
and of revendge: ¶ But be it vnto the, as thy
Rudolphus the
Emperor must
be made pri=
uie of all.
Election is. ¶ Even from the begynning, nakedly.
Open vnto Rudolph. the manner of Gods visitation.
Shew vnto him the holy Vision: for I will make the
vnto him an hand, an arme, yea an half body
yea I will be mercifull vnto him: and seale him for
my self: and he shall be thy cumfort.
I will put my feare into him, and he shall be afraid to
synn, and he shall become a rod to those that are synfull.
Happy are those, whose works are a hope
and whose faith deserveth the ayd of my light
This is of God, and I am the finger
Happy are those that are directed by me
for, in me is the true path and light of direction
E K – He is gone.
Δ – As concerning this gate (lastly spoken of) whereinto I must enter,
that it is a fyre of fury, and of revendge: O Lord, I am affrayd
yf that phrase be of any displeasure to me: for I referred my election
to the will of god, as was for his honor and glory, to be granted.
and I haue long made petition to god for your help, and I desyre
nothing that shold make the highest offended wth me.
But perhaps the servyce of god, wherein I
am to serve him in, now, (with his talent of wisdome
to be imparted to me) consisteth in the execution of the Justice of
Apoc. Cap. 6
god, with a furious and revendging fyre; as under the altar, they
lye,& cry for, &c.
his voyce Vriel – Thow hast sayd.
Δ – All Laude, honor and praise be vnto
The Almighty, Wise and our
most merciful God∴
Now and euer.

[f. 9a]

Tuesday. 21. Augusti. ante meridiem horā circiter 9ā.
Precibus finitis, & invitato Vriele vt nos illuminaret, dirigeret,
consolaretur, &c.
E K – Vriel is here, and abowt his hed at a little distance, is a
bright part of a circle like a raynbow. &c.
Δ – We propownded vnto you yesterday (ô you faythful messager of
the highest) as cōcerning this letter, how it is liked: when it
is to be sent, & by whom, &c.
Vriel – O earth, how great a monster art thow, and how great is thy
wyckednes, which makest dull mans capacity, & carriest
him away into an obscure & rash sense? not without a cause
art thou hated with the highest; yea, not without a cause
are thy garments made short.
My brethren how long will you be grievous to the Lord
how long (I say) will you be without understanding?
O, how long will you consider your own com̄odities, & neglect
the harvest of the Lord?
[Δ – I understand nothing of the occasion of these speches.]
A reprofe of
our choyce
Vriel – But behold, for you have chosen vnto yr selves a visitation,
and haue broken the visitation of the Lord,
For when you were com̄anded you went not, and vnto your
selues you chose dayes for advantage:
Well, I say, Take your choys & become wise
for I am redy to deliuer. I say, prepare
your selues, and be ready: But I feare me,
(yea, I know it) that you will becōe foggy
& mysty. Notwithstanding thus sayeth the
Lord: Since you will becom̄e wise, Chastyse
yō self for a few dayes: & abstayn, & you
shall see that I am a god, that can visit, &
The promise
myghtyly: I am not man, that my promises
may not be, neyther speak I of any thing that
liueth not. for I am light, and the bred of
God well
Bycause you haue followed my com̄andments
(yet some of you obstinately, & rather, as reprehenders
then obedient servants) I will put a snaffle vnto
A new pro
mise made to
Sathan, & vnto his ministers, & thou shalt sit in
iudgment against the wycked: for I will multiply
the & thy houshold: And of thy seede, yea
vide Ao 1582
even of thy sede, will i finde out a Camber□, &
will roote out a people, which I haue long
*Δ forte intelli
git Rolandū
infantē meū
cui vitā resti
tuit Deus (mi
raculose quasi)
Cracouie ao
1584: Julij
14: Sed Deus
tu nosti; quod
hoc mihi tā
mirū uidetur
favored. And for this cause spared* I him vnto
the for vnto him that loveth me, will I be a
iust rewarder. The branches of the wicked do I
cut of & make worse then the asses dunge
But vnto the faithfull will I send honor, & a
crown of reioycing.
Hui, who is he, that I cannot reward him?
quā virginem Mariā
pregnātem censeri &c.
Vide Septr 21 –
Misericordia Dei promissa

[f. 10a]

or where dwellest thow, (in heven, or in erth,) that art,
Δ, must be pla=
ced here in
& reioycest not by me? yf thow follow my com̄andments
& I once begin to love the?
I have told the, that I will place the here.
[Δ – – In this City?]
Vriel – Not as a cytizen, but as an owner of many howses
But take hede, thow be be iust to me, & do what I
cōand the:
Δ – Lord, thow knowst my heart, help & supply my wants:
Vriel – Behold, the Corn is not ripe, neyther are the grapes red
nor the Svnn hath not yet seasoned them, Therfore, yet,
over seers
nede I not Stewards, but overseërs; And as yet,
laborers are to me as shadows
The Lord his
visitation is
not yet
Bycause, not yet, no, not yet is the tyme of my
Visitation. therfor he that bringeth his Syckle now,
must not reap for me; but must reioyce in him self
Happy is he that tarryeth the Lord, lest afterward
the dores be shut, and the feast at an ende.
All wisdome (and Sciences, comprehended in wisdome)
that worketh for him self, is of the world. But the
wisdome that I gyve, I giue openly & without
reproche. that I allso reioycing in the wisdome
may be glorified & exalted with a diadem of honor.
When Sodom Cryed for Vengeance, had I not it ready
Could not I from heven have consumed them with the breath of
my own mowth? I, in my self know it, and am
witnes. But lo, in the pride of their filthines
I had regard to tyme; And (that it might be
known to all Nations,) licensed my Angels, and gave
A promys
to Abraham
them powre: And lo then made a promyse vnto all nations
that they shold be blessed in Abraham: even the same
month, that I destroyed the Sodomites.
Seth, the third
sonne of Adam
These things did I; as vnto Noë: and vnto Seth,
whom I loued: I made them priuie of tyme to com̄e,
and opened vnto them my judgments: bycause the world
A promise
made vnto
shold be iustly condemned.
After the same manner made I a promise vnto you:
Lo, after the same manner, haue I called you to cownsayle.
The choyse
But you haue chosen the lowest, & have refused the highest
Places: & haue regarded your own cumforts, & not
my visitation.
I com̄anded the not to go into the woods, & to fetter
wolves: neyther to saw the Tygers teeth
I deliuered you not vnto the wicked, neyther suffered
I them to reioys over you: But I haue browght
The Mercies
of God vppon
you from death, & frō the dayes of lamentation
and haue dealt with you, as faithfull brethren do
in theyr divisions: Not that I forget my self
but that I wold be magnified, & that you

[f. 11a]

might see yor wyldenes, & naked rashnes
many are there vppon the erth, which wold have burst
with gladnes, and haue rent theyr garments in pieces
yf I had towched them with the least of these counsayles
(so I call them, bycaus they are my secrets.) Δ to Prage)
ys it not sufficient that I have browght you hither safe?
A sure help
Haue promised you a sure help?
Lo, you wrast me
[Δ – This is spoken in respect of God his iudgmt Required of the letter]
for what is he of the world, to whom I shall confirm
They grieve me, bycaus they are the doings of man.
O man, let man answer vnto the, and let it suffise
the, that the mark, wherat thow shotest is in my hand.
My work is not a work of howres nor of dayes
Do the Lords
But when I cōmande, do spedyly
When the thunders fall from heven, and burn up the
Note, synnes
erth, skalld her face, and leave her naked.
Then, Then, will you beleue me
I vnderstand
not this
Behold He that is a man, being new born, is
accownted a monster.
ys it not written? Lo, the Lord loked from heven in
his visitation, and in the mydday, and groned vppon
her, for she had vexed him.
Happy is he that is ready when he visiteth.
That which I cōmand, Let it be done.
For when the kings of the erthe, say, do this,
They play not also the parts of theyr servants
& subiects, but Lo, it is done.
Suffer me (I pray you) to haue that favor.
Δ – Deo nro misericordi, Pio, &
Justo, sit ois honor
Laus & Gloria. Amen.

[f. 12a]

21 Augusti
EK and Δ:
Tuesday, after dynner as we were in my study, and conferring
of my Choyse, and very sorry that we had made our choyse
not of the best: E K saw Vriel in the stōe, which
yet stode vnput vp: & sayd, he had seen him there euer since we began:
so coming to the stone he said as followeth.
Vriel – Murmur not among your selues, But reioyce & be glad:
and sownd into the greatnes of Gods mercyes. Which
bereth al yor weaknes, and leadeth you throwgh the
foggy and perilous mysts of yor daily temptations,
even by the hand: And now, not onely giveth
but also exhorteth.
I speak with you as a man
yea, let me speak with you, as a man
Note our
yet, to be
cap. 1.
you are oppresst with synne, & with the world, & are not
yet apt for the visitation of god.
Δ – In maleuolam aiam non
Introibit sapientia, nec
Ecclesi= inhabitabit in corpore subdito
Astes cap. 1. peccato
My brethren god hath delt mercifully with you,
hath opened vnto you, these three wayes: desyrous
[E K – He speaketh other language, I vnderstand not.]
that one of you might have entred into the highest
gate. And why? Bycause the workman
The Work=
man, and
the work,
must be cor
To Δ, was
sayd, Tu fac:
supra, to
E K tu vide:
To A L, Tu
might be able & correspondent vnto the Work,
and tyme (of the Lord) to come
God hath done many great things for you: but you
will not see them.
Tarry a while, tyll I come agayne.
E K – He is gone beyond a thing like a hill.
Δ – After half a quarter of an howre he came again.
[picture of a book]
E K – He hath a payre of Tables in his hand, made
as of white bone: & therein are many names
written orderly, one, vnder an other.
E K yf I thowght this to be of God, and this to be Vriel in dede, it were an other matter
but theyr too much familiarity maketh me dowte. Δ – The old saying
is true, in you: Nimia familiariter parit contemptum.
Vriel – Beleue me, by heven and earth, I am true Vriel.
E K he hath another boke holden vnto him, by one standing
by him, who is like a shadow.
Vriel – Giue eare, say and chuse:
A New
choyse, by
god his great
mercy gran
for after this tyme, there is no choise.
Dee, thy age and contynuance in this world, in
flesh, according to the finger, and second pro=
73½ Dee
his age.
portion, which you call nature, is 73 yeres
and a half: and here it is [Δ pointing to the other boke.]
E K He that is like a shadow openeth the boke; it
seming to be of yern or steel. In which boke
appereth diuerse names, as Bamasan, Corsax,

[f. 13a]

Tohomaphala, &c. [Δ – They semed to be names of Good Angels
proper to peculiar men.]
Vriel – Thow dost more then thou art cōmanded. [Δ Because he
yet, cease a while. Read these names]
E K – He spreddeth a thing like a cloud before them
E K – Now he appereth again, & the other wth him.
bonus EK
E K – Sudsamna, appereth in the boke, and against it, 46.
Vriel – So much shallt thou liue by nature, and dy violently.
E K Now he is covered again.
E K – Now he is here agayn.
E K – Aflafben standeth written in that boke, and 73, with a prick
over the vpper part of the figure 3.
E K – The boke is very big and full of names; & numbers
against them: the leaves are very thin.
my good
E K – Now Vriel openeth his boke, him self,
And there appereth, agaynst Aflafben, 122.
E.K. his good
And against Sudsamna appereth – 87.
Uriel – beyond the which, you can not:
Notwith standing this life is allways given by god,
or at the intercession of some one, or mo, of
vs his angels.
The other is Naturall: notwithstanding is shortened
throwgh the synne of man.
I am a witnes to my self, that these bokes, and words
are true.
E K – Now he is in his clowd agayn.
Δ – After a whyle, they appeared agayn: as before
E K – They loke very gravely on theyr boke.
Vriel – Behold my brethren, God is ready to open his merciful
storehowses and gates of vnderstanding vnto you:
But he that liueth for him self, and for the ende of
this shaddow, limiteth his wisdome with this number:
and shall both haue an ende at ones:
As King
did Regū
4:Cap 20
But he that turneth him to the wall, and wepeth bitterly, shall
enter into this boke: But he must not buyld his own howse,
but an howse for the Lord; Neyther must he be
visited by the challendge of promise; but by the
mere mercy & good will of god, & at his pleasure
& appointment: he that hath vnderstanding
let him here.
Behold, This his pen, is a pen of steele
But that, that I raze with all, is of gold, and a
persing instrument
Augusti 23:
Yf therfore your Visitation shall be *after to *morrow
and that you covet to buyld (by cause you are men)
Then give your names vnto the yern:

[f. 14a]

But yf you will remember the Lord, and adde any thing vnto
Our new
or reformed
his buylding, faithfully, Then vow your names
vnto me, In the name of him which created you:
A great
Mercy and
After this tyme,there is no choyse.
Therefore, consider: for, never before, (but once), was
this Mysterie, and mercy of God opened vnto man.
E K – Now he hath drawn the clowde to him.
Δ – I am not hable (o Lord) to give the condigne thanks
for these mercyes: But thy will be done: Not as
we will: nor as we have rashly and blyndly
(before) chosen: But this is our choyse, to be thy
servants all the dayes of or life; and we desyre
not long life, so much, as the favor which addeth
those dayes, wherein our faith may be fruteful
throwgh thy graces abownding in us. I renownce
The former choyse
my former choyse, I challendge no promise,
But require the, ‸(O God) of thy fatherly goodnes to be
my light, director, staff, strength, defence, & cumfort, now
and ever, Amen.
Vriel – All ways call vnto me for the Testimonie and
This Day
witnes of the promise of god, and the remembrance
of this day.
E K He hath written after the num*bers in
his own boke. Est. Est.
Δ – Ad laudem, gloriam, & honorem Dei, Esto,
Esto. Amen.
Vriel – Now deale with Rodolph, and be not slak:
for vntill yow have talked with him, I
appere no more.
Thy haste, shall prevent the slander of wycked
things all=
ready busye
against me.
tungs, whom Sathan hath all ready styrred vp
against the. ‸Δ – I understand of none. it is best thou vnderstand it not
at all.
E K – he putteth a Clowde over all the stone
like a white wrinkled Curten: and so disapereth.
Δ – But thowgh you appear not, yet of Madimi I
may require answer to know when my wife and
children are to be sent for. &c.
E K. There is no answer given.
Δ Fiat voluntas Dei, iuxta illius
beneplacitum: cui ois laus gloria
et gratiaꝝ Actio nunc et
in omne ævum. Amen.

Δ I receyved letters from my wife, that she and her children
are well. God haue the praise and thanks therfor. Amen.

[f. 15a]

Augusti 24:
a meridie.
Being willed to deale with Rodolphus, first by letter, and then by speche
I thowght good to send the Letter before written, for the Emperor: by
the Noble Don Wilhelmo de Sto Clemente the King of
Spayne his præfectus Negociorum with this Emperor. and thervppon
by Emericus Sunttag, the Lord Lasky his Secretary, I wrote this
to the forsayde Don Clemente, and sent it this Bartholomew day.
Ea est hoim in terris Conditio (Nobilissime vir) ut sibi soli nullus natus esse
Videatur: Immò neꝗ sibi vllus oia sponte nascentia, vel vltro ab alijs
oblata, quæ sibi maximè sunt necessaria, recipiat. Mutuæ inde him
emerserunt societates, mutuæ amicitiæ, Mutuæ operæ, Mutua dona, Rerū
commutatio, et emptionis, Rerumque venditionis contractus: Alijꝗ diuersi
hoim existunt status, vnde hoim inter hoies, et cum hoib9 multiplicia
procurantur officia, commerciaꝗ. Neque oim istorum, sola est vtilitas,
vel (quæ peribit) voluptas, scopus ille, vel finis, quem attingere conantur
et student: Sed aliud aliquibus est propositum, quod Diuinius quidem est,
quod Virtutem vel Honestatem nominare possumus. quæ cælitus demissa,
hoim informet mentes et ornet, sibiꝗ coäptet: Adeo vt sedibus illas
reddat cælestibus dignas. Illud Illud ergo est Illustrissime vire
quod excellentiā vram pridie reddidit attentam, beningā et
perhumanā. Illud est quod vram refricabit memoriā, & vrm
insigniter acuet ingeniū, in causa mea, suæ Cæsareæ Mati tam
proponenda, quam commendanda: eoꝗ tractanda modo, quo illa
tractari Arcana debeant, quæ a paucis credantur, et a paucioribus
intelligantur: verissima licet sint, & ex sese vtilissima. Quo
citius Cæsarea sua Matas, mirabilem hanc & maximā Dei, nō Pro=
uidentiā solùm, sed bonitatem etiam amplexus fuerit, eo citius & abun=
dantius, meæ ad illum legationis constabit sinceritas, bonitaset
vtilitas. Voluissem equidem hunc inclusum libellū, literasꝗ
inclusas vestræ excellentiæ ipsemet attulisse: sed (cum venia
sit dictum) ex digiti pedis mei offensa cuticula, non tam commodè
possum hodie pedes venire. Proinde amico meo hoc onus
imposui, vt (cum vestræ excellentiæ manuum deosculatione) oia
mea vobis offerat servitia: hocꝗ, quicquid est, pro sua Cæsarea
Mate traderet munusculi.
Pragæ. 24. Augusti 1584
Joannes Dee.
The superscription of this letter was thus
Illustrissimo Dno, Dno Don Gulhelmo
de Sancto Clemente serenissimi atꝗ
Catholici Hispaniarū Regis Negocioꝝ
apud sacram Cæsareā Ma &c.
præfecto, Dno meo Observandisso.

[f. 16a]

Augusti 27
Augusti 27
Monday, Mane
circa 9ā-:
Præcibus finitis, I propownded to ‸God, of Madimi three four things.
First what was the cause of the errour recorded Febr. 18
this ao 1584 at Lasko of Sir Henry Sidney his death
Secondly In what sense is this to be vnderstode, which
Madimi willed me to say to Rodolphus, An Angel of the
Lord hath appeard vnto me
Thirdly, Madimi sayd as concerning the time of my
wife & children and howshold to be moved hither, Let that
be my charge to answer the
Fourthly, Madimi willed me to write to Rodolphus, And I haue
done: & caused it to be deliuered to Don Wilhelmo de Sancto Clemente, the Spanish Embassador
to deliuer it to the Emperor; God prosper it. Amen.
E K – Here she is.
Δ – The eternall rootes of verity bring forth fruit to the cumfort of such as
delight in the pure verity for the servys of God: &c
And you Madimi as a minister of the highest in verity, are vnto me welcome
Mad – Euen as mans finger or a thing towching, moving, or forcing
causa sine ꝗ non
an instrument musicall, is the cause without the which it can
Note this phrase
of sownd
not sownd, or drink vp the ayre: which agayn seke
yssue, & feeling a staye ‸objectum, is the caus of concord or
dissonancy: according to the inward spirit & imagination
of the thing that moveth, or of the finger moving, so
the erthly part of man, which hath no motion of it self,
(radically) ‸moved moveth by towch or finger, (what so ever,) spirituall
and sendeth out sowndes, not according to her self, but
according to the firy, yea invisible, & spirituall powre: wherwth
all it is moved∴
Thre movers
in man con=
Hereby we lerne, that mans body, and his organicall motions, both
three manr of mover; centraliter, by the property & perfection
of the sowle, a superiore, and by descension, frō the Angels
or participants of vnderstanding: E contrario, and
ascending, spirits wycked, and tempters: all moving:
☉ splendor in
die obtundit
Lumen Lunæ
etiā suꝑ hori=
But here you must Note, That as the Son̄e depriveth the mone
in respect of her end, ‸which is to giue light but not of her self; So do the
Angels & higher powres drownd, & overshaddow
the sowle in man when they are present: working
frō god and in them selues: (as from above) and not by the
sowle as any rote, or first cause, of the motion.
Note the
manner of the
working in, or
by Man.
But when the diuell entreth, and ascendeth, he worketh not by
force but by entycement, & so allureth the sowle, to grante
of his possession: wherby he entreth & becometh strong.
Those that haue eares let them here: for my words are
wysdome & the grownds of many sciences.
humanum Corp9
Est tamꝗ-
Then, by a similitude, is the world, wax: Mans body, wax:
and the naturall motions of things, naturally extended, wax,
allso∴ But our purpose is of man: which at one instant
Impressio humana
receyueth three impressions: Missiue, Naturall,
and offensiue.
Wherby you may perceyue, That man greatly needeth
to pray

[f. 17a]

Pray against
to pray against temptation: for the last Seale, is signe
Impressio predo=
minans est
of him that oweth the wax.
Happy are those, that can watch and pray: for such they are
Δ. Per quae homo
peccat ꝑ eadem
punitur: qui dixit
Ascendam &c
Iam ex Infernali
statu, semper
ascendendo tentat.
that grant not any rome or interest, to the wycked ascender.
I answer you. yf you be but as a stringe, Callendge but
your own duetye: But take hede, you be in tune.
E K – She speaketh, but I cannot expresse it
Δ I pray you let nothing of your words, that you vtter to us, or before vs, be vn=‸recorded.
Mad – You are not worthy to write it: for it is the harmony of the hevens.
Stay a while.
for I would open that vnto you, which I perceive I may not: but I come again:
[Δ – We red over the premyses & weighed them as instructions of the three
diuers movers of mans senses internally &c.
And so after a quarter of an hour:
E K – Here she is againe.]
Mad – For he that purifieth his howse, and stroweth rushes, & bewtifieth
the chambers wth garlands, is worthy to receyue (bycause of his
aptnes,) such as are messagers of vnderstanding & light.
My frendes and brethren, marvaylous is the god of wysdom in all his doings
& works, & full of varietie are the works of his hands.
E K – Now she speaketh again; I understand it not.
The Answer
to the first
Δ. Sathan abowt
this tyme was
very busy with
E K: and de-
clared by name
to be Sathan, at
But to the answer: The end of my purpose, Sathan, perceyuing
‸E K you as well to be moved by him bycause of yr own graunt, as
by the motion wherwith all you wer moued and illuminated
& being the father of suttelty, & a froward vnderstanding
purposed, euen in this one sentence; yea, wth this one lye,
to overturne: or at least, to blemysh the worthynes of our
message: and of yor receyving: bycause he saw, the
cowrse of nature & the doings of men, and that this man ‸Mr. Simon Hagek young Hagek
An intruded
Lye, by Sathan
wold first visit the ‸Δ therfore he thrust in, a shyngle of
his own cutting, & nature: Not to the intent it shold be
credited, but to the intent it shold be a stumbling blok
to the action in tyme to come, which is now
My brethren he is a marvaylous workman: & one that
striketh now the most strings: in a mannr, all.
But he hath his reward
Therfore do I deny it to be spoken by me, or of me.
Δ – So by god his grace, I did conceyue & undowtedly think,
and of many other things besydes that I haue
of the Records.
occasion of reforming the records: that the hevens
may agree: as the phrase was vsed.
Mad – Many there are not: But such as are: gather them
to gether, let me syft them.
Δ – I thank God for that his mercye.
Δ – Now I beseche you, to the second my present request.
before propownded, it may please you to give answer.
Mad – When the King sendeth a present to a noble man ,or vnto any
Answer to
the second:
in a Parable
one that he favoreth, he loveth, or delighteth in; the Messsager
carryeth it, deliuereth it within his hows;
[E K – She semeth to smyle.
He to who it is sent, enioyeth it, he useth it, yea, perad
venture (being a daynty dish) eateth of it.

[f. 18a]

Afterwards the King sendeth to him, by the same messager, saluteth
his howshold, & cōmandeth him to say Thus sayth the
Kinge: Go to such a man and salute him: Tell
him that I will visit him:and that I say so.
Behold, he sitteth still & goeth not, neyther doth he the Cōmandmt
of his superior. for lo sayth he: The Kinge
commanded me not: his messager came: and wold so.
But whether the King will so or no, I know not.
But hearest thow. thou wicked man hast thou not
eaten of his meat, & enioyed the benefyt of his present
A Mysterie.
before? yes. a threfold benefyt: which shall contynue
vide 8. 9. 10, et
.11. capite Apoca=
vntyll the *seventh Angell & vntill the third wo.
Man begetteth a sonne, and lo, his wife is with childe, and she
loketh for the tyme of her deliuerance: yf the question
be moved vnto him, (his wife not yet deliuered,) whether
he have yssue or fruit of his body, say thow vnto me what
shall he answer.
Δ – As it shall please god.
Mad – That is no answer.
Δ – Then may he say, he is in hope to have the yssue
his wife goeth great with all.∴ may this seem an
answer, I beseche you?
Mad – Thowgh the Childe be not yet born, he hath yssue.
Deliuerance, is, by reason of the Issue, and not called Issue
of the deliuerance: for he is a sonne as well
vnborne as borne:
Δ My prayer vnto
god, for
So is it of you: Thow hast prayed vnto god, and he
hath heard the.
And lo, the yssue which he giveth the is Wisdome
But lo, the mother of it, is not yet deliuered:
Devs Mater
rerū oim:
idem et Pater
for, yf woman know here tymes & seasons of deliuerance
much more doth he, which is the Mother of all things
But thou mayst reioyce that there is a tyme of deliuerance
& that thy gift is cōpared to a woman with child.
Benedictus sit
Deus nr, qui
respicit gemitus
For as the one is, and shall be visible: so is wisdome
granted & shall appere: yea, a lively & most perfect
Behold the Angels of the Lord have been sent down
from god, vnto him ‸E K: given his sight, which is of
this howshold in god: he hath browght
he seeth or heareth
E.K. not taster of that
he seeth or heareth
vnto the, that which he tasteth not him self: And
yet you ‸Δ dowtest, saying,
How shall I say, the Angel of the Lord hath
How the
Angels of
the Lord
haue appea=
red to Δ
which may seme
more certayn
(allmost) then as
the phrase is
appeared vnto me.
Vnto the, ‸Δ we have appeared: for vnto the, Δ we are sent
And bycause his eye hath seen, therfore we haue
ioyned him vnto the, that in the time of darknes
thow mightest see.
verifyed of the
Agels appearing to Joseph, in somnis: vide Matthei. cap. 2m

[f. 19a]

Δ is to be
made perfect
before the time
of his visitation
And before the tyme of thy visitation thow must be made
And bycause it is of the, & not of him: Therfore doth not
Suꝑ. lib. 15o:
1584 Junij 2.
god impute vnto him his offenses: but placeth
in you the * figure of tyme to come:
For some there be that naturally shall draw in the
plow of the Lord
And other some there be, that must have theyr tymes
& seasons.
Answer to
the Third and
Fowrth de=
For thy howshold affayres. I say nothing yet:
neyther for thy Letter sent, or messenger..
Nam Deus agit in suis, sicut vult.
I have Nothing els to say vnto the: But blessed are
those that beleue in the Lord: for they haue theyr
E K – She goeth away, diuided into a great many pieces
of fyre.
Deo nro oipotenti, æterno,
et sapienti: sit ois honor,
Laus et gloria

Note, at None, this day, I receyued letters from the Lord Lasky, from
my wife, and from my brother Nicolas fromonde in England: how
Mr. Gilbert, Mr. Sted, Mr. Andreas Firmorshem, my bokeseller, vsed me
very ill in divers sorts.
The Dates of the letters from England were of the 11, 15 and 16 day of
April 1584. My wife is in great sorrow for my brother Nicholas

At night after Sonne set, Emerich Sontag browght me word
from the Spanish Embassador, that he had deliuered to the Emperor
this day my Letters and boke: and that he toke them gratiously and
thankfully: and sayd that within three or fowr days he wold let the
Spanish Embassador vnderstand, when he wold giue me Audience.
Deus bene vertat: et ad sui nois
honorem et Laudem

[f. 20a]

+ Pragæ.
Ante meridiē circa 10ā.
Δ – As I, and E K, sat in my little study: after our talk of diuers matters
and of my expecting Audience at the Emperor his hand: &c. E K
saw three little Creatures walk up and down in the sonn̄e shine, abowt an
handfull from the paviment: and the Creatures them selues very small not
an handfull long: like little shaddows ‸or smokes: and the path wherein they walked
semed yellow: They walked a good while to and fro, Tyll at length
I suspected that they were sent to vs: and so prepared the shew stone
but E K sayd he had rather see them thus, owt of the stone.
I sayd, that in the stone we haue warrant that No wicked thing
shall enter: but without the stone, Illuders might deale with us, vnlesse
God prevented it. &c E K sayd again, He had rather deal thus.
one of the
three spiri-
tuall creatures
His meaning, is above thy sight.
E K – Now two of them seeme to kneele down in the sonne-beames.
He in the middst
of the three
Blessed be God, the father: God, the Sonne: and God the holy Ghost
the most holy and blessed Trinitie: One, True. mighty, perfect,
euerlasting and incomprehensible God
[Δ Amen, Amen, Amen.]
Which will be comprehended, with those that live in the Heavens (the true
Church of God.) of such as measure him by faith, and not by Reason: which
Rod. his hart is
to be turned
by god: but I know
not the meaning.
hath sent vs to do his will; Both, in that he will turn his hart: and in that he
doth vouchesafe to make you witnesses of his secret purposes and determinations in hand.
The middel
most sayde
I am the Middst of the Third, and the Last [above the line: Δ] of the spirit of Life:
Vnderstande, in this temporal controversie, & conflict of
Δ sunt duæ literæ
vltimæ in tabula
spus sancti in
Tertia Tabula
man his sowle: but not according to his eternall and immensur
able proportion.
the second
on the
right side sayd
– I am the second of the Third, which dwell in the spirit
& powr of God in Erth: I haue powr to skurge them
Flagellū Dei.
that resist the powr, will & cōandment of God. and
I am one of those that stand, & is perpetuall.
Trinitas et
Vnitas Di-
for even as the father son & holy spirit are one, but
of themselves, & being dilated, & full of powre
& many So are we one particularly in
powre; but separated: notwithstanding, spiritually, of,
and amongst others: & dilated in the will of God.
and into the branches of his determinations: but par
ticularly living, and jointly praysing god.
E K Now the other ‸(the third) on the other syde standeth vp, & saieth.
The Kingdom of god, & of his son, Christ (:which is true
God & the substance of his father, True God of true
God.) E K – what is that: God of God? Δ – The confession and belief
of the catholick church: not to be talked of now.
E K – They are disappeared: but theyr path appeareth in the aire, in
the sonne beames still.
E K – They are here again. Δ Half a quarter of an howre they had disappered.
Happy are those, that are of his kingdom. for it hath no end
yea, happy are those that are the sons of faith, & not
filij fidei
et non ronis
of the world: which is called Reason.

[f. 21a]

Which is blynde, & ‸is sealed wth the mark of destruction;
Bycause she persecuted & put to death the son of God, the God
Δ – his name is
the last 3 letters of
the first line of the
fowrth Table.
of righteousnes, & light of all that live.
I am the Last, of the first, of the fowrth, and I have powr
Eius officium
est Trāsplan
tatio Donoꝝ Dei
to gather vp the blessings of God, & to set them (yf they be
disdained) in a better soyle.
for, thus sayeth the God of hoasts.
Rod. yf
Yf he dreame & will not here Me; Gather up that be
both, & that which shold be given him: that his life
vide. lib. 15o.
Maij 28. 1584.
may be short & his howse without cumfort; that he
may passe away nakedly, as a shaddow.
As lo, behold, we go, and we will dwell there, yea
even in the skerts of theyr garments will we take vp
o habitation: And why?
Angeli ob=
opera et
Behold, this hath God sayd
In the morning watch them, and see how they rise
In the day tyme give eare vnto them, & listen vnto
theyr cownsayles.
Stand over them in the Night: and Note theyr
And when it excedeth the Number, stryke.
We are they that must direct your practises.
one of
them sayeth
Behold, let us give Testimony of o names
My name, is – Ga. – E K – He in the myddle.
My name, is – Za. Δ The three names make one
My name is – Vaa. name of uij letters, Gazavaa∴
Names by Po=
So we are called by position.
his Tables
Thou shalt fynd vs, amongst the mercifull Tables
deliuered vnto Enoch: and so vnto you.
1. The middlemost
I am of the third Table, and am extreme
I am of the third but of the humanitie, & the
second. Δ – Note: the Third Table, here mēt, is that of the Sowthe
as Est, West, Sowth & north: Theyr placing is others
And I am of the fowrth, but Angular, & extreme
Linear of the vppermost. Δ X – The three last letters in the
vppermost line of the fowrth Table
We are gone∴ E K They are out of sight.
a voyce
– Follow that, which is commanded the.
Δ æterno, Omnipotenti, Trino et Vni
Ga – Vltimus spus viuorum
Za – Flagellator resistentiū ptati, voluntati, præcepto Dei
Vaa – Transplantator Donorū.
Deo sit Ois honor Laus
et Gloria∴ Amen

[f. 22a]

+ Pragæ.
Septembris. 3.
Mane. Δ – Nota – Sathanæ astutū et violentū stratagema.
There was great disquietnes in E K being come home from our
Hosts howse, where he had lyne all night vppon a forme: by reason
he had byn (which he never was the like affore, as he sayd) with wyne
ouercome suddenly: yet intending with him self to take hede of
being overshot in drinking of wyne: being requested by the hostes to
giue her a quart of wyne vppon the good bargayn he had in a clok
he bowght of her for 5 suckats: In this company of drinking was
Alexander the Lord Lasky his servant who cam with us to Prage. Vnto whome
E K (when the drink, on the sudayn, had overcome him) sayd he wold
cut of his hed, and with his walking staffe did towch him fayre and
softly on the nek. sitting before him: This Alexander being half
dronken him self, by and by toke those words in great snuffe,
and ment to defend him self, and so toke his weapon to him,
and therevppon, they by caused Alexander to go down:
It was supper time; and I, that night, refrayned to sup
and so tarrying at my lodging, and looking out saw Alexander
sitting on the great stone against our lodging: I called to him
and told him that they wer at supper: And he came oue
to me, and he had wept much: he complayned of E K his
former words, and the towch of the staffe, how ‸it was against his
credit to take that in good part, and spake many souldiers termes
of stout words, not worthy the recording. I, therevppon went to
our Hosts howse, and wold vnderstand the very truth; and there I
fownd E K fast on slepe on a forme, most sowndly: for
which, I was right sorry: And yet better pleased to perceyue
the words of E K, which so moved Alexander (being halfe
drunken) to haue byn spoken by E K when wyne, and not
witt, bare rule: and so pleaded long tyme with Alexander
that of words spoken so as they were, No such exact accomt
was to be given to him &c. And after two howres ꝑsuasion caused
Alexander to go to bed in or lodging where he vsed to
lye: for he wold have gone out, to our former ynne, in those
raging halfe drunken pangs, he was in: which I thowght not good.
This Monday morning E K cōming home, and seeing
Alexander, as he cam in, he sayd, they tell I shold haue
spoken words, which greatly offended the yesternight, and that I
And shoke
hands frendly
with Alexander.
towched the with my staffe, &c. I know nothing of it.
Well sayth Alexander, Si fuisset alius, &c.
E K cam vp to me: I told him how sorry I was for
this myschance: and told him of the watchmen perceyuing
Alexander his disquiet mynde, and hering his words: they cam to
me and charged me to have a care of the peace keping
(As they did in dede). And farder sayd, that Alexander in his
rage, sayde, that rather, or before, he shold cut off his hed, that he
wold cut E K in peces. So sone as I had expressed that
word of this drunken Alexander likewise, (whom now I saw
quiet, and E K allso quiet) suddenly E K fell into
such a rage that he wold be revendged of him, for so saying
and for rayling on him in the strete, as he did, &c.
Much a do I, Emericus, and his brother had to stop or hold him
from going on Alexander with his weapon &c.
At length we let him go in his dubblet & hose, with out a
cap ‸or hat on his hed: & into the strete he hasted with his brothers rapier
drawn, and challendged Alexander to fyght: But Alexander
went from him, and sayd Nolo Domine Kelleie, Nolo.

[f. 24a]

Here vppon E K, toke vp a stone, & threw after ‸him, as after a
dog, and so cam into the howse agayn: in a most furious
rage ‸for that he might not fight with alexander. The rage
Sathan his
and fury was so great in words and gestures, as might playnly
prove, that the wycked Enemy sowght eyther E K his
own destroying of him self, or of me, or his brother.
&c This may suffyse to notifye the mighty temptation
Note the
cause of
this re=
and vehement working of the subtile spirituall enemy Sathan.
wherewith God suffred E K to be tempted and allmost
overcome: to my great grief, discomfort, and most
great discredit: yf it shold (as the truth was) haue com̄e
to the Emperors vnderstanding. without except he had known me well, &c.
I was in great dowt, How God wold take this offense: and
devised with my self how I might, with honesty, be clered
frō the shame and danger that might arrise if these two
shold fight &c. At the least it wold cross all good hope
here with the Empror∴ &c for a time, till God redressed it.
in tyme
of nede
After I had browght E K to some quietnes, (by yelding much
to his humor. &c and saying little:) Not long after cam
my Messager from my wife at Cracovia: and Hugh my
servant with him. to my great Cumfort throwgh her letters
and the full satisfying of me by Hugh my servant his
knowledge farder then conveniently cold be written.
in tyme
of nede.
About 2 of the clok after none, came this letter to me, of the Emperor
his sending for me.
Nobilis, Præclarissimeꝗ Dne,
Dne obseruandissime,
Cæsar, iam iam significavit Dno Legato Hispaniarū, Hero meo, vt
Dnationē vram ad se euocaret, ad horam secundā; qua eam audire
cuperet: Dnatio vestra si ad dictam horā venire poterit: accedet
statim Dnum Octauium Spinolam: qui est Mati suæ Casareæ
a stabulis et cubiculis. Is enim eam, ad Matem suam
introducet. Quod reliquum est, me D. vræ quam officiosissime
etiam atꝗ etiam commendo
Dnis vræ
Arnoldus Vander Boxe
Herevppon, I went straight vp to the castell: and in the Ritter stove, or
Guard Chamber I stayed a little: in the mean space I sent Emericus to
Octauuius Spi
nola Chamber‸lain
and stall=
master, in the
absense of
the officer who
is sent into Spain
see what was of the clok: and the Chamberlayn(, Octavius Spinola) spied him
out of the Emperors chamber window: and called him: who cam vp to
me, and by that tyme was the Chamberlayn come out to me, and by Emeri
cus he vnderstode that I was the man the Emperor awayted for: He cam to
3a exactè
a meridie.
me very * curteously: told me of the Emperors desyre to see me, and to speak
with me. So he returned to the Emperor into the priuie Chamber, and cam
out agayn for me: and led me by the Skyrt of the gown throwgh the
dyning chamber, into the priuie Chamber, where the Emperor sat at a
Table: with a great chest & standish of syluer, before him, my Monas and
letters by him. etc I came toward ‸him with due reverence of three curtsies

[f. 24b]

who shewed me a gracious and chearful countenance.
Then I craved pardon at his Maties hand for my boldnes to send his Maiestie a
letter and the Monas Hieroglyphica (dedicated to his father): But I did it of sincere and
intiere good will I bare to his father Maximilian, and allso
vnto his Maiestie: and that the rather, bycause I ‸had good proofe of the favor which
the Almighty god beareth vnto his Maiestie. He then thanked me for
his fathers boke, and did affirme that he beleued me, that I was affectionate
vnto his highnes: And of my estimation with the world of the
lerned, he had herd by the Spanish Embassador; and allso of my zealous mynde
toward his grace. And commended the boke Monas, but sayde that it was too hard
for his Maiesties capacitie: and added, that the Spanish Embassador told him
that I had somewhat to say vnto him, quod esset pro sua vtilitate: I answered,
So I haue: and withall looking back whether any man were in the Chamber
or no, I fownd that we were alone: Herevppon I began to declare that
All my life tyme I had spent in lerning: but for this forty yeres cōtynually
in sundry manners, and in diuers contries, with great payn, care, and cost I
had from degree to degree, sowght to cōme by the best knowledge that man
might attayn vnto in the word: And I fownd (at length) that neyther any
man living, nor any boke I could yet mete with all, was hable to teach
me those truthes I desired, and longed for: And therfore I concluded with my
self, to make intercession and prayer to the giver of wisdome and all good
things, to send me such wisdome, as I might know the nature of his
creatures, and allso enioye meanes to vse them to his honor and glory.
And in this purpose made diuers assayes. And at length, it pleased God to
send me His ‸Δ Light, wherby I am assured of his mercifull hering of my
long, fervent, constant, & continuall prayer in the cause befor specifyed.
And that, His holy Angels, for these two yeres and a half, haue
Bokes finished
vsed to informe me: and haue finished such works, in my hands
to bve seen, as no mans hart could haue wished for so much. yea, they
A stone browght
by a good Angel.
have brought me a stone of that value, that no erthly kingdome
is of that worthines ‸as to be compared to the vertue or dignity therof∴ &c
And that these things be true I protested, and toke to witnes the God of heven
and erth,by whose cōmandment I am now before your Maiestie (sayd I)
and haue a Message from him to say vnto you. and that is this:
My Message
to the Empe=
ror Rodolph
The Angel of the Lord hath appeared to me
and rebuketh you for your synns.
Yf you will here me, and beleue me: you shall Triumphe
Yf you will not here me, The Lord, the God that made Heuen and erth,
(Vnder whome you breath, and haue your spirit,) putteth his fote
against your brest, and will throw you hedlong down from your seat.
Moreover, the Lord hath made this Couenant with me (by othe), that,
he will do and performe
Yf you will forsake your wickednes, and turn vnto him,
your Seat shall be the greatest that euer was:
and the Diuel shall become your prisoner
Which Diuel, I did coniecture, to be the great Turk, (sayd I.)
This my Commission, is from God: I fayne nothing, neyther am I an
Hypocrite, or Ambitious man, or doting, or dreaming in this cause.
Yf I speak otherwyse then I haue just cause, I forsake my saluation, sayd I.
The Emperor said, he did beleue me, and sayd that he thowght I loued
him vnfaynedly, and sayd, that I shold not nede so ernest Protestations:
and wold not willingly haue had me to kneele, so often as I did.
All the compāy
of our Actions
and Visions
nakedly to be
shewed to the
Farder I sayd, His Maiestie was to see and vnderstand nakedly from the
beginning, the whole course of this Angelicall leading, instructing and
comforting of me: for so I was commanded, that I shold from the
begynning, nakedly, open vnto Rodolph the manner of God his visitation
and shew vnto him the holy Vision. Which my charge I am ready
to do. The Emperor ‸sayd, at an other tyme, he wold here and vnderstand
more. I spake yet somewhat more in the purposes before, to the intent they might
get sōme root, or better stik in his mynde: To be short, he thanked me, and sayd he wold
henceforward take me to his recommendation and care, and some such words (of favor pro=
mised) he vsed, which I herd not well, he spake so low. In the end perceyving
that his will was to ende for this tyme, I did my dewty, with curtsy; and at the dore
going out, I turned bak, and made curtsy: and so cam into the next chamber
where the Noble Octavius Spinola cam to me againe, and with curteous words
offred me great frendeship. I toke my leave of him, and so cam throwgh the Ritters
stove or gard Chamber, and so down, & home. I had a large howre Audience
of his Maiestie.
Deus bene vertat: ad sui nois
Laudem, honorē et Gloriā

[f. 25a]

+ Pragæ.
Septembris, 5.
Mane circiter horā 8ā
Præcibus finitis &c Repetiui ter hanc sententiā Mitte lucē tuā (o Deus)
et veritatem tuā quæ nos ducat et perducat ad montē sanctū Syon et
Tabernacula cælestis Hierusalem.
Δ – I haue to the best of my hability, both written and spoken vnto Rodolph as I was
willed, how it worketh or taketh place in his hart, is known to the ô God &c.
Now I am to receyue farder instructions, what is to be done in this cause
or els what so euer shall please the highest. &c.
Note, Vriel
his face now
not seen of
the eye which
had highly
offended God
E K – Now here is Vriel, and a blak thing like a Sarcent of silk
befor his face and over his hed behind by the rest of his garments, it
seemeth to be Vriel.
Δ – God mak all things white, and make us whiter then snow: what that
blak skarf importeth I know not, but I suspect∴
Vriel – Such as defyle the seat of the sowle, and are suffocated wth drunkeness
E.K. had on
Sunday last,
byn wonderfully
drunken &c
enter not into the kingdom of heven, neyther can behold the ornaments
of the Lord his bewty.
See, how Sathan how he runneth hedlong abowt & throwgh you
See, how he maketh his dwelling place within you: of whom
the Lord gave you warning saying: Satan seketh to
sift you.
Lo, he hath done wickednes against the Lord, & against you
for he hath blemyshed the eyes of yor vnderstanding.
[E K – He speaketh other words betwene, which I vnderstand not.]
Vriel – Is not Jesus, God, and the high priest of the Lord, placed on
the right hand of the Father.
Δ – he is: we beleue it.
Vriel – Is not Sathan (as the ‸* prophet sayeth), suffred to stand & triumphe
cap. 3.a.
on the right hand of the lord of hosts & Justice, as the open
enemy of the Lord & of his annoynted?
The overthrow
allmost given
True it is: and he hath, all most, given you the overthrow.
Δ – Assist us o God, and be or strength against this most subtile mighty enemy
Vriel – But bycause he is subtile, & hath powre given vnto him for a tyme
and hath striven against you, not for your own sakes, (but bycause
you are of the spirit of the Highest,) and against his
testimonye: Therfore doth not God, in his Justice,
eye – E.K.
Body Δ
impute the Synns of the eye, vnto the body
[D. Lord thy mercies are infinite, praysed be thy name for eur]
Vriel – But cōandeth the ‸Δ eye to be reconcyled, as the spirit of
Δ By the Eye vide Septer Δ –
is vnder= 17
stode E.K.; of Reconciliation
The seer in
this Action –
and by the body
is vnderstode
Joan̄ Dee. Δ.
truth hath tawght. E K He is gone.
Glorified be God for his most loving
kindnes & infinite mercyes toward vs
frayle, & sinful creatures: and
we beseche the to shew vs the lyght
of thy cowntenance, to or Cumfort &
direction. Amen.

Δ – As I was putting vp all, Vriel appered agayn, wth his blak Skarf
as he did before: but paused a while before he spake any thing.
Δ – In thy name (ô Jesu) we attend they wordes, by thy messager to be vttered
Vriel – Giue eare vnto my voyce:
[picture of a wheel]
E K – Now he is becōe like a great wheele of
fyre, like a waggon wheel: He thrust out
his hands on the sudden, & so becam like a wheel full

[f. 26a]

of mens eyes: it turneth rouwde: it is full in all places
A great
white Egle
of those eyes, like liuing and seeing eyes.
Now cometh fyre out of it in 4 places
Now there is a great egle, which is cōme, and standeth vppon
it: It is a white egle: The whele turneth still
notwithstanding that she standeth on it.
A Citie.
E K She hath in her beke, like a skroll of parchment,
She hath two monstrous eyes: one like fyre red, her
right eye ‸as big as my fist, & the left eye, is Chrystall like.
She standeth hovering with her wyngs ‸sprede, & her stern or tayl
Vnder the whele is a great vally, & in it a
great cytie: and a hill on the east part of it
And all toward the sowth are hills.
The Cyty is as as big as syx of Cracovia: & many
ruyns of howses in it . there appere
There is one place ‸in it covered, square like a little chappel
It hath a little rowd pynacle in the end eof it: and
over it in the ayre hanging a little fyre, bright.
There be many like vnto fowles, like ravens, & theyr heds
like vnto bright fyre: They flie into a country a great
way of from this Cytye
Now Vriel standeth besyde the wheele: & the wheel
is as it was befor: and he as before with the skarfe:
The Egle cryeth & skriketh as a gull or the
sea fowles doth
Vriel semeth to descend from the ayre above, & to cōme
to the syde of the Shew stoane.
Vriel – The Lord hath chosen you to be Witnesses, throwgh his
Δ and E K :
We as Pro=
phets throwgh
god his mercy
and sufferance
mercy and sufferance, not in the office of Apostles,
but in the offices and dignities of the prophets: which is
allwayes bewtified with the wings of the Cherubym
with the voyces that cry a thowsand thowsand tymes
in a moment before the Lord & before the Maiestie
which haue
not such pre=
sence Angelicall
of his eternall Seate: wherein you do excede the ‸Δx temples
of the erth: wherein you are become separated from
the world, & whereby you are lifted vp, as of the
howshold of the blessed, even by the very hand & finger of
the highest.
Δ – Blessed, blessed, blessed, is the Lord to whome Cherubin and Seraphim
incessantly sing Sanctus Sanctus Sanctus Dne Deus Zebaoth∴ Amen
Vriel – But that it may appere, that he it is, that revealeth,
Deus est qui
hæc reuelat:
which gathereth the clowdes togither, & is the breath of
all things that liue: Bycause I say it may appere
that the Lord visiteth, & is of powre, & that the Imaginations
of man, fly before them selves, as the dust of the erth doth
A seale
before him that moveth it: I open vnto you a Seale
yet secret & not known. [Δ – Zach. 13 – Et erit dies vna, quæ nota est Domino &c]
13 Cap. B
Behold, Now cometh that day, that is known vnto the
lord him self, wherin the kingdoms of the erth

[f. 27a]

shall begyn to fall: that they may perceyve how they
haue run astraye: and how weak they are in
the triumphe of theyr pompe.
And now out of Hierusalem, out of the Church of God,
Cap. 13. B
& of his sv̄ne Christ, shall passe out & flow the water
of life: That the sayings of the Angel & spirit
of the lord may be verified vppon the face of the
erth: spoken by his annoynted Zacharie.
Dies vind=
Now shall those dayes open them selves, which are the
dayes of vengeance.
Now, Now, shall these Woes, that have been spoken of
Regnum Chri
iam stabilietur
& sealed, burst out, to the confusion of the wycked &
the establysh‸ment of his Kingdom, which is annoynted.
Behold, I teche the
A prophe=
sie against
The Clergie.
Those that inhabit the holy Cyty, & vsurp the Authority
of the highest, are called in remēbrance before
the lord. and they shall be skattered: like vnto
the mighty hayle; that the spirits of the North
haue gathered against the day of revenge.
They are become prowde & think there is No God.
They are stiffnecked: for they are the sons of wyckednes.
Lo, in the dayes of Rodolph, shall this cōme to passe.
of whom the Lord hath sayd,
Yf he heare me, and beleue my words, I will place
thee vnto him, as a mighty rock: I will open
vnto the, ‸Δ (for his instructions, and safegard to cōme)
my determinations in hand; and lo, to come.
ipi Rodol=
pho facien=
And when he hath wyped away his darknes, and offense
of his sowle, I will appeare vnto him, to the terror
of all Nations.
For I reioyce, when I exalt such as are weak:
And when I help the Cumfortles, am I magnified
[Δ – Thanks, honor, & glory is due to the, ô, or god.
Vriel – And behold, the day of this Visitation, and of
the execution of my Jugēts, is at hand
An other
seal ope=
And lo I open vnto you another seal
(Bycause I haue sayd vnto you, I am true,
Ao 1588.
or which 88?
In the yere eyghty eyght, shall you see the Sonne
move contrary to his cowrse
fortè loose
The sterrs ‸Δ encrease theyr light: & som̄e of them,
Math. 24. C
fa*ll from heven.
Then shall the rivers runne blud:
Then shall the wo be vnto women with Childe
This Pro
then to
Then shall the tyme cōme to passe, that this
be known –
Ao 1588 – Δ Which 88? for I haue not yet had (that I wonder)
the yere notifyed to be 1588, nor yet 1688 &c

[f. 28a]

This Pro
phesie to
be known
Ao 1588
Forte Ao 1688
prophesy shall be known.
For lo, the Lord hath prepared his prophet
and he shall descend frō the hevens
Malach. cap. 4
as it is written by * Malachiah the Prophet
shall come
Behold I will send before that day, (Not that day
Δ Note, two Dayes
I spoke of, but the great day of the Lord) Elias
agayn, amongst you
In the mean season, will I be mercifull
vnto Rodolph, and will bring into his
The beautifying
of Rodulph his
seat Imperiall.
howse, such as shall be skyllful: vnto
whom I will give my spirit, to work gold
sylver, and the ornaments of his howse.
And he shall perceyue that I blesse him
In that I have tyed him to my garments:
Yf he heare the, not
Vide infra
Septēb. 22
Behold, I have one in stoare: yea such
an one, as cleaveth vnto Justice
Man is but a reede that is shaken with every winde
The pride of Kings, is as the beawty of a peacock.
See, how they rōnne all a stray
See how they tempt the spirits of righteousnes.
Lo, (as I have sayd, vnto the), I reserve that wycked
Rex Pol.
King: not that I will be merciful vnto him
But that he shall shortly perish with an eternall
And now here me what I say vnto the
Onely in
great cau=
ses is to
be loked
Here after, see thou tempt me not,
Neyther loke for my presence, after this order,
But for great causes
For lo, this is the ende of Teaching
The Ende of
Teaching or
Now cometh in the tyme of warning ‸and of Cownsayle
Δ – Will you give me leave to speak?
Vriel – Saye. –
Δ – I trust it shall ‸not offend god at any tyme, to call for ‸X Uriel his light in matters
Enoch his
dark to us, and above our capacity. Also in Enoch his Tables vnder-
standing ‸and enioying we are to require help of instruction at Ave: and so of other
points and doctrines all redy begonne, we are to require theyr help who
have begonne with us &c
Vriel – As far as the lord hath suffered you to enter into his garden,
Even so far (I say) Taste, & eate.
Δ – The entrance yet we have not, but the manner to enter:
The perfect practise, is the best entrance.
Vriel – Man speaketh not with the: wherfore dost thou wrast the
Lord? All things that are deliuered you are playne
Δ – Lord I do thus speak to be perfectly instructed in what sense your
words are to be vnderstode, when you sayd This is the ende of teaching.

[f. 29a]

class=”fontsize2″>‸Δ Vriel, or ꝑhaps in the Name of God
Vriel – Thou hast called vppon me & I haue heard the
The spirit of
vide 13 Septēb.
Thou hast desired cumfort & I have comforted the.
Thou hast the spirit of choyse.
Be it sufficient vnto the, that the Garden of
The Garden
of the Lord
the Lord is open vnto the: where there is no
hunger, nor thirst, but a filling spirit
a cumforter.
¶ What care is it vnto me, if the kings of the
erth saye; Lo, this ‸is not of me:
Lo, this is not of the highest.
Vriel Behold I am the light, and servant of
God: Blessed are those which beleue
This Testimo=
& are made partakers in this testimony:
by the which you are becōme prophets
and are sanctified for the Coming of the
Δ. he putteth
vs in re=
of or fraylty
and offences
before noted
But lo why do I speak vnto you, who haue defyled *
yr selves? I will take Vp those things that
I haue, & will be gon̄e.
Lo, blessed is he that giveth eare vnto the Lord.
E K – Now all is vanished away and
he is dissapered∴ Wheele, Egle. Citie & all. &c
Δ – All Laude, thanks, honor and Glory be to the
Eternal, Allmighty, most iust Judge,
and Mercifull father our God the
God of heven & erth: who of his
infinite goodnes we beseche to haue
mercy vppon us, & to purifie or harts
and consciences, ‸granting us humble contrition
& sincere confession of or transgressions
& iniquities what so ever∴ Amen.
Note – While I was thus requesting god, E K
made a vow of penance, during his Life :(in
his vow
of fasting,
token of harty sorrowfulnes for his fault in that
dayes action noted) never to eate his supper
or evening meale on Satterdays, during his life.
Wherein I beseche the highest to regard his inward
intent, and his continuall memory of the lord his mercies
in sparing him, when he most had offended him. &c
Δ – Deo nro vero, viuo, omnipotenti,
et æterno, soli, omnis, Honor, Laus
et Benedictio, nunc & in perpetuū


[f. 30a]

Septembris 5.
Δ The morning of this Wensday (before I prepared
my self for the former Action) I sent Emericus with
two letters to be deliuered: the one to the Spanish Embassa-
dor: (giving him thanks for his honorable dealing with the
Emperors Matie in my behalf:) and the other to the Noble
Octavius Spinola: thanking him likewise, and requiring
his instruction or advise howI might most conueniently
procede in dealing with the Emperors Maiestie:
The Copie of which letter I thowght good to record here
that the effect therof, consequent, might haue the light
of the originall cause (Diuine and humane) annexed.
Illustri et Magnifico Dno, Dno Octauio
Spinolæ, sacræ Cæsareæ Matis a stabulis et
cubiculis, Dno suo observandissimo.
Illustris ac Magnifice Domine, non possum satis condignas vræ Magni=
ficentiæ agere gratias, pro singulari illa, qua me heri amplexi estis
humanitate, et benevolentia: hoiem quidem vobis incognitum, sed tamē
virtutis et veritatis studiossimū: quiꝗ omne reliquum meæ vitæ curriculū
(Deo sic volente) in hoc consumere decreui, vt sacra sua Cæsarea Matas
clarè percipiat, sibi, incredibiliter (ferè) propitiam fore Dei Omnipotentis
Tremendum Maiestatem. Atꝗ quamvis videam, multiplicibus multarū
Regionum negocijs, suam Sacram Cæsareā Matem occupatissimā sæpissimè
teneri: neꝗ alijs, illisꝗ à me, suæ Sacræ Cæsareæ Maiestati proponendis
causis, commodè vacare, vel posse, vel evidenti aliqua ratione debere:
TAMEN, si aliquis excogitari possit modus, pro Loci, temporis , et
rerum occasionē, quo sua sacra Cæsarea Matas, ea penes me videre,
vel ex me intelligere dignaretur, quæ illi forent grata: Ea in re,
vestræ Illustrissimæ Magnificentiæ libertissimè audirem vel recipe=
rem Informationē atque iudicium. Nam in hoc totus ero, vt tempore
debito, appareat, Omnipotentis Dei, et suæ sacræ ‸Cæsareæ Matis servitio (Maximè
autem, pro Sacrosantæ Orthodoxæ, Catholicæ et Apostolicæ fidei
Illustratione; ac Reipublicæ Christianæ defensione, amplificationeꝗ)
Addictissimum, deuotissimum, fidelissimumꝗ me esse, ac fore sacræ
suæ ‸CæsareæMatis servitorem.
4. Septembris. 1584.
Opportunitatis flos, maturè colligi debet:
Cito enim fiet marcidus.
Illustrissimæ Magnificentiæ Vre
Joannes Dee
Emericus went and deliuered my letter to the Spanish Embassador.
But this he browght back again, saying that the Emperor was ridden
very early abroad to Brandeiss, or els where: (not certainly being known)
and that this Noble Octauius Spinola was gone with his Maiestie.
Here vppon I determined, with changing the Date, to * send vnto him
factū erat
die. 11. Septēb
at the Emperor his Maties returning to Prage. Deus bene vertat.

Mr. Doctor Hagek his son was by At noon this day I sent letters to my wife: to my Lord Laski: and to
Mr. Paule Hetroll: by the Messager of Reichenstein, on
[this side Nisse.]

[f. 31a]

10. Septēb.
+ Pragæ.
manè hora c 9
Δ – Precibus finitis; I invited Ga, Za, Vaa, (as being
assigned to understand of Rodolph his doings,) that
of them I might receyve instructions; that my proceedings
might be answerable, as occasion shold be given.
[picture of a hand]
E K – There appeareth written in great letters vppon a ‸right hand
(and no body appearing): the hand being very big.
Cui est, habet∴
Cui nihil non habebit.
E K – And so the hand vanished out of sight: The writing was in the palme of it.
Δ – After that, appeared the same hand againe, with this writing
vltra, nō habeo
Δ. farder, I
haue not, to
Face, & factum erit∴
Vltra, non habeo∴∴
E K – It vanished away: by and by: hand, writing and all∴
Δ – I take this (o lord) in this sense: that I am to proceede and
to do, as I intended, in eyther writing to Rodolphe him self
say or do. or to the Spanish Embassador, or to Octavius Spi-
nola, for the Emperor to give me audience, tyme &
place to here & see the records & moniments which I haue
to shew him: And that when I had done as was cōmanded me, that
Then, also the purpose of God shall allso be done.
Δ – Deus, in adiutoriū nrm intende
tuaꝗ nos dirigat sapientia, ad illud
Faciendum, quod tibi maxime erit
gratum. Amen.

.11. hora 9, ferè: misi ꝑ Dnm Emericum Sontagium
Secretarium Dni Palatini Siradiensis literas illas ad
Dnm Octauium Spinolā: quas suꝑius descripsi; sed
vbi in illis scripseram quæ me heri amplexi estis. Nunc,
& pro quiꝗ
omne reliquum
nunc scripsi
quiꝗ reliquū.
scripsi, qua me ante paucos dies amplexi estis. +
& pro incredibiliter (ferè) propititam &c scripsi, nunc, Incredibiliter
(ferè) & modo mirabili, propitiam fore, &c. Et reliqua
oia scripsi,vut supra annotaui: sed datæ erant hæ 11 die
Septembris: Illæ autem priores 4. Septembris.
Tradidit istas litteras (Emericus) Magnifico Dno Spinolæ, iam statim post
prandium Cæsareæ Maiestatis, & crastina die (post missā) pro
responso, venire jussit∴


[f. 31b]

+ Pragæ
Septembris 12. mane.
Δ – This morning, when Emericus Sontag went vp to
the Castell for answer from the Emperor, By the Noble
Octauius Spinola, he receyued the effect of this answer
which I required the same Emericus to write down
with his own hand (for sundry respects,) which his own
hand writing I haue annexed, ad maiorē rei fidē.
And bycause his writing is not easie to be read, I haue
written it playner somewhat, as followeth:
Responsum Imperatoris, per Dnm Spinolam
Sacra Cæsarea Matas benigne intellexit quæ Dns Joannes Dee
per suæ Matis Cubicularium, Dnm Octauium Spinolam, proponi
curauit: Ad quæ, sua Matas gratiosè sic se resoluit: Quod
vd the
originall lre
of Emericus
quandoquidem Latinum sermonem, non omni ex parte exactè
calleat: præterea etiam Varijs et multiplicibus negocijs occupata,
non semper ad audientiam vacare possit, Videri suæ Mati
vt idem Dns Dee, cum Magnifico Dno Doctore Kurtzio
(qui et suæ Mati ab arcanis est consilijs, satisque fidus,
eruditione quoꝗ insigni pollet) tractare, et negotia sua
concredere velit. Id quod, sua Matas prælibato Dno
Consiliario suo, Kurtzio, renunciari curabit. Sin
verò, secus Dno Johanni Dee videbitur, Suam Matem
quomodocunꝗ tandem per occupationes facere poterit,
desiderio Dni Dee satisfacturam.
1584 xii Septembris
Emericus Sontagius
manu propria

Δ – Which answer, both by word of mouth, and thus
by writing being receyued ‸by me: and the said Emericus
being (by the Noble Spinola) willed at Euensong
tyme, to bring my answer herein; which I gaue him
My accepting
of the Em=
perors answer.
of my great and good liking the same, and most humble thanks
to his Matie for so wise and gratious his conside=
ration had of the cause∴ I required the same
Emericus to vnderstand when and how sone Doctor
Curtzius shold be made priuie of his Maiesties pleasure herein
and so, after my despatching of Emericus, I endevored
my self to render thanks vnto God for his Mercies,
graces and truth, in these his affayres: beseching him
to frame my hart, tong, and hand in such sort, as
to his diuine Maiestie, my dutifull servyce doing, may
be acceptable: as chiefly of me intended, to his honor &
glory: and secondly to the cumfort of the godly and elect: &
thirdly to the Confusion of the prowde, arrogant, skornfull
enemies of Truth and Vertue. Amen.